


1.选择[四选一](名词单复数、主谓一致、排序、介词、连词) 2.填空(例P91、P92) 3.找错 4.句子转换 二、课本习题 (注:以下所列的均是老师在上课的时候划过的题,个人整理,若有错漏,敬请查正) P66 Ⅰ P91 Ⅰ P92 Ⅱ P144 Ⅱ P145 Ⅲ P153 Ⅰ P154 Ⅱ P312 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 P326 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 三、课本例句+重要考点(上课老师强调过的) 1.both...and...不能连接句子,而and可以(P202) 2.反义疑问句(P215) 3.一致(P261)



1) Her eyes blazing with hatred, Susan faced the enemy with scorn and contempt. ( As her eyes blazing with hatred, Susan faced the enemy with scorn and contempt. ) 2) He groaned and fell to the floor, blood streaming from his nose.

3) He lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head. ( As his hands crossed under his head, he lay on his back.)

4) The dark clouds having dispersed, the sun shone again. ( When the dark clouds had dispersed, the sun shone again.) 5) Spring coming on, the trees turned green. ( When spring came on, the trees turned green.)

6) This done, they picked up their tools and went to the tents. ( When this was done,they picked up their tools and went to the tents. ) 7) None of those present having any further remarks to make, the chairman closed the meeting. ( As none of those present had any further remarks to make, the chairman closed the meeting. ) 8) That being so, he wasted no words on the matter. ( As that was so, he wasted no words on the matter.) 9) Weather permitting, the basketball match will be played on Tuesday. ( If weather permits, the basketball match will be played on Tuesday. ) 10) He entered the room, his nose red with cold. ( He entered the room, as his nose was red with cold.)

11) Mary came in, her eyes slightly swollen. ( Mary came in, as her eyes were slightly swollen. )

12) The shift over, the workers left the factory in twos and threes. ( When the shift was


over, the workers left the factory in twos and threes. ) 5. 定语从句、同位语从句(P284) 1) John is the bravest man that I have know. 2) He is the last person that escaped from the yard. 3) John is the only person that can look after the wounded driver. 4) We turned the radio up, so that everyone could hear the announcement. ( 结果状语从句)

6.直接引语、间接引语(考题:句子转换) 1)”I’ll behave myself,” he promised. ----He promised that he’d behave himself. 7.语序

倒装 1)Never will the sun go around the earth. 2) Never did I see the like. ( I never saw the like.) 3) At no time and under no circumstances will the old lady do such a thing. ( The old lady will do such a thing at any time and under any circumstances.) 4) By and by did they spend the hard time. ( They spent the hard time by and by.) 5) With these words did he leave the world.

6) So beautifully did she sing that the audience burst into applause. ( She song so beautifully that the audience burst into applause. )

7) Not a word could we understand. ( We could not understand any word. ) 8) Not a protest has he made yet. ( He hadn’t made a protest yet.)


8. 双重所有格:Of 后的名词必须表示人,必须是特指的 例:a pen of Bill’s √( a pen of a boy’s.×) 9. 冠词(P43)

10. 复合不定式(for + sb. To do sth.): 作宾语:例.I cannot bear for him to so.


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