九年级复习导学案8B Unit4

九年级复习导学案8B Unit4 班级______姓名________


1.掌握一些慈善机构的名称及其职能。2.了解义演及其相关的词汇。 3.学会写慈善义演的演讲稿。 4.掌握并能使用被动语态。 Task1:Words

1. 复习本单元单词并默写2.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第一题) Task2: the important phrases and sentences 1.Phrases

1) 一场慈善演出a charity show

2) 慈善演出的主持人the host of the charity show 3) 被选为班长be chosen to be the monitor 4) 多加练习practise a lot 5) 确信,肯定be sure 6) 除非;只要only if

7) 白天少睡点sleep less during the day 8) 9) 10) 11)

在网上登广告advertise on the internet 分发传单give out the leaflets 捐钱donate money

组织一场慈善演出organize a charity show

12) 把…卖给… sell…to…

13) 筹钱raise money

14) 绿色希望工程(慈善机构) Project Green Hope 15) 希望工程(慈善机构) Project Hope 16) 拯救中国虎(慈善机构) Save China’s Tigers 17) 春蕾计划(慈善机构) Spring Bud Project 18) 返回学校return to school(go back to school) 19) 把…还给…return sth to…(=give sth back to…) 20) 大型猫科动物big cats

21) 在贫困地区in poor areas

22) 收到…的来信hear from sb=receive /get a letter from sb 23) 空闲时间free time 24) 电视镜头TV cameras 25) 看演出watch the show

26) 开始演出排练start working on the show 27) 在开始;起初in the beginning = at first 28) 在末尾;最后in the end = at last = finally 29) 准时on time


30) 及时in time

31) 把…介绍给…introduce sb to… 32) 值日on duty

33) 在适合的时间at the right time 34) 同时at the same time

35) 在…开始时at the beginning of… 36) 在…结束时at the end of…

37) 伟大的一天the big day 38) 一直问我自己(一直做某事)keep asking myself (keep doing sth.) 39) 演出前20分钟 twenty minutes before the show 40) 进入剧场get/ go into the theatre

41) 没有时间紧张了。No time to be nervous any more. 42) 发出噪音make noise

43) 变得有点容易了become a little bit easier 44) 似乎seem to do sth 45) 结束be over 46) 47) 48) 49)

当地企业a local business

得到许多支持have a lot of support 参加(活动)take part in

致以最美好的祝愿Best wishes

50) 写下,记下write down 51) 弄错了by mistake 52) 至少at least 53) 最多at most

54) 真是太成功了。It is a big success.

55) 帮助支付他们的学费help pay for their education 56) 搭建舞台set up the stage

57) 挂在舞台前面hang in front of the stage 58) 开会have a meeting/ hold a meeting

59) 举行慈善演出hold a charity show

60) 在学生中安排工作arrange work among the students 61) 欢迎捐赠donations are welcome.

62) 感谢下列提供我们帮助和支持的人

thank the following for their help and support 63) 在一个下雪的夜晚on a snowy night 64) 从现在开始from now on 65) 日日夜夜day and night 66) 保持沉默keep silent


67) 关心care about

68) 使这次演出成为可能make this show possible 69) 明年再举行一次演出 do another show next year 70) 激动地鼓掌和大叫clap and shout excitedly 2. the important sentences (ways: read& remember)

1) I wish I could be the host.(虚拟语气)

2) I felt very happy when the organizers chose me to be the host. 3) We started working on the show two months ago. 4) It was my job to introduce each star.= My job was to introduce

each star. 5) No time (to be nervous) any more. This is it. 6) The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise . I have to

speak loudly because of the noise.

7) Everything seemed to happen so fast and now it is all over. 8) Everyone was very generous and we had/got a lot of support from

local businesses.

9) I hope we can have more events like this to raise money for


10) Their families have no money so the children have to go to work instead of going to school.. 11) It hangs in front of the stage. 12) They all became interested in charity shows because of you. 13) I wish (that ) I could fly. (虚拟语气) 14) I wish (that) I were Ricky. (虚拟语气) 15) I wish you [a happy holiday].(名词作宾补)

16) We wish you [good luck]. (名词作宾补)

17) Our class held a meeting to talk about holding a charity show. 18) Many classmates have volunteered to do some work for the charity show.

19) I hope our charity show will be a success.= I hope our charity show will be successful. 20) I can’t wait for the next show.

21) A lot of work need to be done/doing. 3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第二题)

4. Tell the differences between them (discussion in your group) (1)success/successful/successfully/succeed

①You’re sure to have _______ at school if you work hard enough .


②The children are discussing how to hold a class meeting _______ ③He _______ in an interview and got a well-paid job shortly after.

(2)need to be done = need doing sth / need to do sth/need sth/needn’t do sth ①You_______ (not need)any help, do you ? ②Must I stay at the office this afternoon? No , you_______ (not need) ③Look ! You shirt is so dirty ,It needs_______ (wash). ④_______David_______ (need)anything to drink ?

⑤Tom needs_______ (get) up a little earlier tomorrow . ⑥You room is full of dust . It needs_______ (clean) Task3:Grammar

1.Passive voice(被动语态)

a. 被动语态强调动作承受者,被动语态的基本形式为:系动词be +及物动词的过去分词

b. 被动语态的不同形式是通过系动词 be 的时态变化来体现的,其人称和数应与主语保持一致。

c. 在本课时要求掌握2种时态的被动语态和含有情态动词的被动语态。其具体变化为:

现在完成时的被动语态:have/has been done

一般将来时的被动语态:be going to /will / shall be done 含情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+ be done d. 注意被动语态的几种特殊情况: ① 带双宾语的两种被动语态的形式: She gave me a book.

I was given a book by her. A book was given to me by her.

② 感官动词。使役动词,help---- 等后所省略的动词不定式需还原。 Sb be seen /heard /to do sth sb be made/let to do sth sb be helped to do sth ③ 短语动词要完整 The boy is often laughed at. /The children should be looked after well. 【中考链接】

①The disabled people shouldn’t _____ .Instead ,we should be friendly to them . A .look down B. look down on C. be looked down on D. be looked down ④ 在时间。条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时的被动语态,代替一般将来时的被动语态。 【中考链接】Have you finished your fashion design ?--- Not yet. I’ll finish it if I _____ ten more minutes .(2011.泰州)

A.am given B.give C. will give D.will be given


e. 没有被动语态的情况:

happen cost die begin/start rise等不及物动词无被动语态。 sell well grow well 无被动语态

take place break down come out无被动语态 3.Do exercises (见随堂检测 第三题) Task 4: Spoken English

提建议的方式: ①Let’s have…in the show. ①We want to raise money for…. ② How /What about … ②How much will the tickets cost… ③ We can have the show at /in… ③We should… ④I’m sure… ④Some volunteers are needed to…. ⑤Shall we…? ⑤How long will it take…? Task: 5 Writing a speech to ask people to come to your show (第六题) Task 6:Summary

Task 7:Do Exercise (完成随堂练习)

Task 8:Homework1.预习下一课时早读材料和练习 2.整理错题集.

Test for 8B Unit 4


1.Nanjing topped the list of the happiest cities for______(教育) in China in 2009 2. He has always been a big_____ of Michael Jackson. (2010苏州) 3. Zhang Shaohan has a sweet______(嗓音) ,and many of us like listening to her songs. (2011宿迁)

4. Protecting the environment is one of our_________(职责)

5.Time For Africa_______( choose )as the 2010World Cup song, hasn’t it? 6. .He ______ (悬挂)his overcoat up and went into the kitchen

7. What a ______(snow) day ! The ground is covered with snow everywhere. 8.Thanks to the support from the local b_______, we raised a lot of money for Project Hope.

9 Lisa is such a shy girl that it’s hard for her to sing in p_____(2008山东潍坊) 10. There was _______( silent) for a moment and then someone made a useful suggestion.(2011无锡)

二、完成下列句子 1. 这些书可以在网上预订。(2010常州)These books ____________________. 2.你认为新的火车站什么时候能建成?(2010苏州)

When do you think the new railway station _______________ 3.我已经被选为慈善义演的主持人。I _______to be _______ of a charity show.


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