

毕 业 设 计

题 目 基于单片机的热水器控制系统设计 学 院 工学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 1302班 学 生 李燕 学 号 2013011198 指导教师 张兴达 魏志轩



摘 要




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With the rapid development of the national economy, people's quality of life requirements are getting higher and higher. As a daily household appliances, water heaters have become one of the people concerned about the object. The traditional water heater only has a simple heating, water, light instructions and other functions, it is difficult to meet people's needs. Aiming at this problem, this design presents a intelligent control system of water heater based on single chip microcomputer.

This design is divided into hardware system design and software system design. Hardware system design mainly includes the AT89S52 microcontroller, power circuit, display circuit, indicator circuit, temperature measurement circuit, water level detection circuit, alarm circuit, remote control receiver circuit, water injection relay control circuit, reset circuit, crystal circuit, key circuit. Software system design mainly uses the C language program, KEIL software and PROTEUS software joint simulation. Designed to design a free remote control can set the temperature range and appointment time, LCD1602 liquid crystal display temperature and time, and have the alarm function of intelligent water heater, water heater in the work of heating, water, water and other indicators with the corresponding, when When the water level of the water heater reaches the upper limit of the water level, the buzzer starts to alarm. Through the simulation and debugging and in-kind production, this design of the water heater control system can achieve the default function, the design for further research, application provides a certain data reference.

Key words: Single-chip; sensor; water heater

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