
正确答案: C 34.

When conditioning your unconscious mind, it is very important to understand that _______. A) we should avoid aiming too high

B) our unconscious mind should agree with our true potential C) we are always better than what we think we are

D) our unconscious mind will accept whatever we consciously focus on

正确答案: D 35.

What can we infer from the sentence “You could have a full-grown negative ?forest? in your mind — and that could take ages to uproot” (Para. 9)?

A) Negative thoughts are potential obstacles to our further development. B) It takes consistent effort to get rid of negative thoughts. C) Negative thoughts are a part of learning in our lives. D) There are always many negative thoughts in our minds.

正确答案: B

Passage Two

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

I am an impatient man, so you may understand how I might respond to a roadblock. It happened in a mountain road to California. A young man stopped me at a barricade to tell me there would be a half-hour delay. In the next five minutes, I nervously put my hands on the file cases, records and so on. Cars were lining up behind me, and drivers began getting out of them. So did I. \of mist through the mountain tracing silver lines against the sky. There was a clean snap of autumn in the air.

Later small groups of motorists had gathered along the roadside up the line. Someone took pictures. The delay became an event. It was that way during the last flood in my neighborhood, when the road was cut and power gone. People came out of their houses to talk. Others shared wine by lantern light and cooked over fireplaces.

What does it take to get us talking? What does it take to bring us together, grabbing at the small alliances that form when the wind howls or when the traffic stops? We have so little time for one other.

I heard a voice coming over the barricade attendant's walkie-talkie \\remained still that long without going mad.


How did the author respond to the roadblock?

A) He was glad for he had a chance to chat with others. B) He was worried about his work.

C) He felt impatient because he had to wait for half an hour. D) He felt nervous since he had never met it before.

正确答案: C 37.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) The author was delayed in a mountain road to California. B) The drivers were lining up behind me. C) The view of autumn is quite enjoyable.

D) The author had compared this event to what happed in his neighborhood when the electricity was stopped.

正确答案: B 38.

How long did it take to clear the roadblock? A) Five minutes. B) Half an hour.

C) Fifty-five minutes. D) An hour.

正确答案: D 39.

The author implies in the passage that ________.

A) people need time to communicate with each other B) sometimes the bad thing can turn into a good thing C) patience is a good virtue

D) it's good chatting with the others when you are in trouble

正确答案: A 40.

According to this passage, what happened in the author's neighborhood? A) People held a party to celebrate the flood. B) The electricity was cut off due to the flood.

C) People gathered together to share wine in flood season. D) It was a custom to get out to cook over fire.

正确答案: B

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes )

Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.


Police dispersed the crowds with teargas, and tanks were ______ in the city. A) stationed B) stationing C) station D) stations

正确答案: A 42.

In this paper I will give a broad ______ of the research we have been doing. A) outlay B) outlook C) outline D) outlet

正确答案: C 43.

Both conservatives and Communists have simply ______ their attitude to the government. A) tough B) toughly C) toughening D) toughened

正确答案: D 44.

In fact, the most successful programs are ______ efforts between a source of training and a source of employment.

A) common B) corporate C) joint D) united

正确答案: C 45.

Cooking for one person can be a ______ business, as many elderly people find. A) bored B) wearily C) weary D) dreary

正确答案: D 46.

The government enthusiastically supports US foreign policy, sometimes ______. A) to extent B) at extent C) to excess D) at excess

正确答案: C 47.

“This light is too ________ for me to read by. Don?t we have a brighter bulb somewhere?” said the elderly man. A) mild B) minute C) dim D) slight

正确答案: C 48.

As students enter the university, they feel they are turned _______ with parents far away. A) free B) unfixed C) lost D) loose

正确答案: D 49.

He spent all evening talking about his latest book, which none of us had ever _________. A) heard

B) heard from C) listened to D) heard of

正确答案: D 50.

It's taken me a while but at last I've managed to ______ my fear of public speaking. A) overturn B) overlook C) overtake D) overcome

正确答案: D 51.

Nothing will stop them in their ______ for truth. A) stand B) curiosity C) quest

D) appreciation

正确答案: C 52.

She left her ______ only a girl of 12 but returned a well-trained doctor. A) studio B) laundry C) hometown D) campus

正确答案: C 53.

The sound of the rain ______ against the windows was deafening. A) kicking B) leaning C) lashing D) tilting

正确答案: C

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