

听力:1-5CCAAB 6-10BBABB 11-15BABAC 16-20ABACB 阅读:21-25DCCCD 26-30ADCAD 七选五:31-35 DFAGC

完型:36-40CABDC 41-45ABDBA 46-50DCBAC 51-55BCADB 单选:56-60AACBD 61-65 CDADB 单词拼写:

66. extinction 67. survived 68. application 69. interrupting 70. violate

71. defined 72. appealing 73. hesitated 74. behavior/iour 75. Stubborn(首字母大写) 语法填空:

76. is 77. gifted 78. struck 79. where 80. Lacking(首字母大写) 81. over(on 不给分) 82. as/though 83. such 84. pleasure 85. that 短文改错(格式不规范一律不给分)

80% of all communication in English being small talk, it is essential for us ∧master this practical social technique.


A very important function of them is to establish a relationship between people who they don’t know each other well.

it 去掉 No formula for small talk is more successful as the AAA model(AAA=answer, add and ask). This is why it works.


Imagine a situation where two stranger are talking to each other in the absent of





all their common acquaintances.

strangers absence

Because it is difficult to have a conversation, they gradually came to realize the important thing is that they are saying

Though/Although/While come

something. By continuing with the AAA model, the conversation continues, for they both want to avoid an embarrassed

embarrassing silence. 书面表达

Life in Senior Three

Life in Senior Three is tiring, exciting and meaningful.

As everyone knows, Senior Three is far from relaxing and easy. Every minute counts. Working late at night is often

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