
M1U1 Words and Phrases


1.devote v. 致力于,献身 devotion n. 献身,奉献;忠诚,热爱 2.challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 challenge n./v. 3.encouragement n. 鼓励 encourage v.

4.satisfaction n. 满意 satisfy v. satisfying adj. 令人满意的 satisfied adj. 满意的 5.fluent adj. 流利的 fluently adv.

6.donate v. 捐赠 donation n.

7.independent adj. 独立的 independence n. 反义词 dependence n. 依赖的 dependent adj 8.recent adj. 新近的,最近的 recently adv. 9.approve v. 批准,通过;赞成,同意 approval n. 10.preparation n. 准备 prepare v. 11.literary adj. 文学的 literature n.


1. have a good time 玩得高兴 2. miss doing 错过做某事 3. 4. 5. 6.

be experienced in (doing) sth.=have experience in在……方面有经验 common sense常识

have something in common在……方面有共同之处 as usual和往常一样 than usual 比往常

7. hold a class party举行班会

8. obey/break the school rules遵守/违反学校规章制度 9. normal temperature正常体温 10. return to normal 恢复正常

11. be happy/pleased/satisfied with对……满意的

12. attend an assembly/ school/class/a lecture参加集会/上学/去听讲座 13. earn/win respect赢得尊敬 14. have/show respect for sb尊敬某人 15. respect sb.for…因为……尊敬某人 16. earn/make one's living 谋生

17. much more than you expect比料想的还要多 18. stay in good health=stay healthy保持身体健康 19. more than+n.多于;超过

more than+adj.很,非常

no more than仅仅=only not more than 不多于 no less than不少于

( 总结:no+形容词比较级+than=as+该形容词反义词+as,如no better than=as bad as)


20. the best way to do sth/of doing sth 做某事最好的方法

21. devote oneself to sth/doing sth献身于= be devoted to sth./doing sth. 22. devote time/ money /attention to…为……付出时间、金钱、注意力等 23. achieve high grades/success取得高分/成功

24. sound like+n./doing 听起来像 sound +adj. 听起来.... 25. spend…(in) doing/on +n.花(时间/钱)做…… 26. during break times/during breaks在休息时 27. send e-mails to给……发电子邮件 28. for free/for nothing/free of charge免费 29. at the end of the term在学期末 30. on the school field在学校操场

31. experience the different way of life体验这种不同的生活方式

32. look back on 回顾/回忆

33. look for寻找 34. look through 浏览

35. look like看起来象 36. look after照顾照料,

37. look down on/upon看不起,瞧不起 38. look up to 尊敬=respect

39. look forward to doing 期待 40. look into sth.调查某事

41. look up sth. in the dictionary 查字典 42. look out for小心

43. as well as和……一样 44. key words关键词 45. word by word逐字 46. a sound sleep熟睡

47. at the end (of)在……末端,尽头;结束时 48. by the end of 在……之前,到……为止 49. in the end最后,结果

50. struggle against/with sb/sth和……作斗争 51. struggle to do sth努力去做某事 52. struggle for sb. /sth. 为某人某事斗争

53. It is a struggle for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是一件难事 54. It is a bit challenging to do sth.做某事有点挑战性 55. mean doing意味着做

56. mean to do打算做,故意做

57. had meant to do/meant to have done 本打算做某事,实际未发生 58. be mean to sb = be hard on sb 对某人刻薄


59. used to do sth/used to be 过去常做(常与but 连用,表示现在已不) 60. be/get/become used to+n./doing习惯于,习惯做 61. be used to do/for被用来做 62. as/so long as只要

63. if only要是……就好了 64. on average平均地

65. above/below (the) average平均水准上或下 66. the average size一般的大小

67. be independent of 独立于…之外的;不受…支配的;不依赖于…的 68. encourage / inspire sb to do 鼓励某人做某事 69. show up出现,露面

70. think of想起

71. be available for可获得的,可利用的 72. graduate from毕业于 73. after graduation毕业后

74. make a speech about/on做……的演讲 75. miss the chance to do错过做……的机会 76. regret to do很遗憾地将要做某事

77. regret doing/having done后悔做了某事 78. be broadcast live被直播 79. make use of 利用

80. make the most /best of;make full use of 充分利用

81. approve sth.批准 approve of sth.同意 82. sb. be in charge of sth.某人负责,掌管某事

83. sth. be in the charge of sb.=in /under one’s charge某事由某人负责/掌管 84. take charge of 控制/掌管

85. charge sb. with sth.控告某人某事;使承担责任或义务 86. charge sb. sth.收费

87. for one thing…; for another thing…首先……其次…… 88. develop an interest in sth开始对……感兴趣

89. inform sb. of /about sth.=keep sb. informed of 告知某人某事 90. require sb. to do =sb. be required to do sth要求某人做某事 91. require doing/to be done需要被做

92. require that sb. (should) do require引导宾语从句采用虚拟语气 93. think about 考虑

94. in exchange for作为……的交换 95. make preparations for 为....做准备 96. follow the outline按照纲要 97. come up with想出,提出


98. according to根据,依据 99. sign up 签名参加 100. come about发生 101. come/run across偶遇 102. settle in定居

103. leave for=set out for/off for出发去某地 104. set down记下,放下,登记

105. turn down调小(音量),拒绝(=refuse) 106. go down下降

107. order a copy订一份

108. get along/on with与……相处,进展 109. keep up with跟上 110. catch up with赶上

111. go through经历,经受,仔细检查 112. look through浏览

113. get through通过(考试),(工作)完成,接通电话 114. see through看穿,识破 115. on purpose故意 116. on hand在手头 117. pack up打包

118. put up张贴,展示 119. put up with 忍受

120. make up组成;化妆;弥补;和解;编造 121. side by side=shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地 122. in other words换句话说 123. that is也就是说

124. It/That depends看情况而定 125. under the title of以……为标题

126. It’s (high/about) time that +主语+V过去式/should+V原形 127. It is the first time that +S+have/has done 128. It was the first time that+S+had done 129. on/upon doing sth.一……就……

130. as soon as, hardly…when…, no sooner…than…, the moment./minute/instant,immediately +从句,



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