苏教版高中英语模块五unit 1知识点整理及精选练习

M5 Unit 1 知识点及练习


1. betray: vt. betray sth to sb: 向某人出卖∕泄露?? betray oneself: 露出原形 n. betrayal

2. (Page 2, Lines 8-9) I must have sounded?? must have done: 一定做过??

3. fail sth: 未能通过?fail to do sth: 未能做??

4. pretend sth: 假装,扮作?? pretend to do sth: 假装做?? pretend that: 假装?? 5. admit (admitted;admitting): vt. (1) 承认 admit (doing) sth: 承认做?? admit that: 承认??

admit sb to be + n / adj: 承认某人是?? (2) 允许??进入,接受,录取

admit sb to / into sth: 允许??进入?? beadmitted into

6. beg (sb) to do sth: 恳请(某人)做?? beg (sb) for sth: 恳请(某人)?? beg (for) sth: 乞讨??

7. keep one’s secret: 保守秘密

keep one’s word / promise: 遵守诺言 break one’s word / promise: 违背诺言 8. (Page 2, Line 18) ??paper that said??

say: vt. 写到,表明;显示 read: vt. 写着;指示,显示 ① The clock said it was 7: 30.

② I noticed a sign reading / saying “ No Parking!”. 9. swear (swore, sworn): vt. & vi. (1) 发誓,宣誓

swear to do sth: 发誓做?? swear that: 发誓?? (2) 咒骂,诅咒

swear at sb: 咒骂??

10. spy on sth: 监视∕窥探??

11. focus: vt. & vi. 集中注意力于;(使)聚焦 n. 焦点,重点 focus sth on sth: 集中??于?? focus on sth: 集中注意?? 12. manner: n. 方式;举止,态度[C]

manners: n. (1) 礼貌,礼仪 (2) 风俗,习惯

in this manner: 用这种方式 table manners: 餐桌礼仪 It’s good / bad manners to do sth: 做??有∕无礼貌 13. guilty: adj. 内疚的,有罪的

be / feel guilty about (doing) sth: 因为??而内疚

be guilty of sth: 犯??罪

14. remark: n. & v. 谈论,评论,谈到 make a remark about sb: 议论?? make no remark: 不加评论 remark on sth: 谈论?? remark that: 谈到,说起

15. argue with sb about / over sth: 因为??与某人争吵 argue that: 认为

argue sb into / out of doing sth: 说服某人(不)做?? argument: n. 争论;争吵;争议;论点;论据 16. apologize to sb for sth: make an apology to sb for sth:

17. be sensitive to sb: (1) 对??体贴 (2) 对??敏感 18. blame: vt. 责备,指责 n. 责任,责备,指责[U] blame sb for (doing) sth: 因为??责备某人 blame sth on sb: 把??归咎于??

sb be to blame for sth: 某人因为??应受责备 take the blame: 承担责任

19. the attitude towards sth: 对于??的态度

20. anchor: v. (1) 扎根于; be anchored in sth: 扎根于 21. be cautious about sth: 对??小心∕谨慎 cautiousness: n. 小心∕谨慎[U]

22. be eager to do sth: 急于做?? be eager for sth: 急于∕渴望?? 23. respond: vi. 作出反应;回答 respond to sth / respond that 24. response: n. 反应;回应;答复 in response to sth: 以回应?? make response to sth: 回应?? make no response: 不作回答 25. regardless of sth: 不管,不顾

26. end up: 结果为;以??.结束 end up + 介词短语∕adj∕doing 27. be committed to sth / sb: ;忠于??

28 quarrel with sb about sth: have a quarrel with sb about sth: 29. in conclusion / to conclude: 总之 30. mercy: n. 仁慈,怜悯,宽容 at the mercy of sb: 任由??摆布

show mercy to sb: have mercy on sb:

leave sb to the mercy / mercies of sb: 任凭某人受??摆布 31. get through: vt. 完成;通过;批准通过

get through to sb / sth: 到达??;接通??的电话 32. acquaintance: n. (1) 熟人;泛泛之交[C]

(2) 认识,了解[U, C] make one’s acquaintance:

make the acquaintance of sb: on first acquaintance: 初次相见时


1. 相处,进展 get along (with)

2. 发展友谊 develop friendships with 3. 值得做 ?be worth doing

4. 对?.感到自豪 be proud of/ take pride in 5. 决心做 be determined to do

6. 承认某事/承认做 admit sth/ doing/ that 7. 答应某人(不)做某事 promise sb to (not) do 8. 信守诺言 keep one’s word

9. 因某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb for sth 10. 对某事有天赋 be gifted at 11. 不久 before long

12. 也 as well (as)

13. 劝说某人做某事 persuade sb to do/ into doing 14. 假装做 ?pretend to do/ that 15. 阻止做某事 discourage sb from doing 16. 接通 get through ( to sb)

17. 一方面??另一方面 on the one hand??on the other hand 18. 因为某事而责备某人 blame sb for sth/ doing 19. 对?.有影响 have an effect on 20. 各种各样的 a variety of

21. 以?.为基础 be based on

22. 不顾,不管 regardless of

23. 阻止某人做某事 prevent / stop / keep sb from doing 24. 保重,小心,当心 take care 25. 互相 one another

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