人教版八年级英语下册《eview of units 6-10》教案_6

Unit8-9 revision

Teaching aims:

1. students will be able to master the words and phrases; 2. Students will be able to use the present perfect tense masterly.

Warming-up: listening to a song about the present perfect tense.

Step1 :revision the words / phrases and sentences.

Then play 2 games to push them remember these. Next do some practice to consolidate the using of these words and phrases.

Step2: let ss review the language points of the present

perfect tense.

Then students will do error correction and translation to

consolidate the grammar.

Step3: ss will do a test in the limited time to test what they

have learned today.

Step4: summary and homework

Optional activity: ss will show 2 situational plays about unit8

and unit9.

Reflection :(written after this class).


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