三年级上册英语教案Module 10 Unit 1(1)外研社(一起)


Module 10 Unit 1 Are you going to go to Hong Kong?

Teaching aims

Vocabulary: Hong Kong, airport, sea, live.

[来源:]Sentences: Are you going to go to Hong Kong? No, I’m not. What are you going to do ? I’m going to swim in the sea.

Moral Education: Be more careful!


Teaching Difficult points:

[来源:ZXXK]I’m going to visit my grandma. I’m going to swim in the sea.

Teaching important points:

Are you going to go to Hong Kong? No, I’m not.

Teaching aids: CAI, picture, word cards, stickers. Teaching steps

Step 1 Warmer 1.Greetings.

2.Free talk. What’s the weather like? It’s cold and windy.

3.Play a game. I say, you do. Revise some phrases, such as: watch TV, play football, play basketball, and so on.

4.Watch the videos, and say those phrases. Step 2 Lead in

Look at the picture, and ask some questions about it, such as: Who can you see in the picture? What can you see in the picture? Where are they? Teach the word airport. Step 3 Presentation

1.Listen to the tape one, and ask the Ss what they have got.

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2.Listen to the tape again, and then ask some questions, such as:

a.Where is Sam going? Teach the new word Hainan and ask students to find Hainan in the map. And show some pictures about Hainan.

b.Where is Xiaoyong going? Teach the new word Hong Kong, and ask Ss to find Hong Kong in the map, and introduce Hong Kong to Ss.

c.What is Sam going to do in Hainan? Teach the new word sea.

d.What is Xiaoyong going to do in Hong Kong? Teach the new word visit my grandma. Invite Ss to repeat one by one.

3.Ask Ss to open the books, and repeat after the CD, and invite some Ss to pronounce the sentence, then all the students repeat it.

4.Read the text together, and then Ss finish the exersies, they are allowed to finish it in groups of two.

Step 4 Activities

1.Introduce the beautiful places in the world, such as: Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Tibet, London, Paris, New York, Sidney, Tokyo

[来源:]2.Talk about the holiday plans. Step 5 Homework

1.Listen to the tape for six times. 2.Copy the new words for four times


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