
大连东软信息学院毕业设计(论文) 摘要




系 所: 计算机科学与技术系 专 业: 计算机应用技术 学生姓名: 韩阔 学生学号: 11110510532 指导教师: 闫海珍 导师职称: 副教授 完成日期: 2014 年 04 月 27 日


Dalian Neusoft University of Information


大连东软信息学院毕业设计(论文) 摘要


摘 要





关键词: 投票,PHP,MySQL


大连东软信息学院毕业设计(论文) Abstract

Design and Implementation of General Vote

Management System


With the development of the times, the popularity of the internet. Relying only on the original manual management or single simple management has been unable to meet our needs; management will face a large amount of information can not have high efficiency will be the important part of extracted. Can waste a lot of manpower and material resources can not improve the accuracy and timeliness.

General vote management system is the most important thing is how many tedious voting results in real-time, can add to the voting user, the failure of the man-made vote modify and delete, rapid export all the number of votes for each project, the automatic classification of the vote percentage, meet the real-time user query.

General vote management system can complete the traditional function, has the merit of high efficiency, wide range and simple and intuitive, can better meet the needs of modern society.

The system from the practical and easy to maintain, is divided into front and back two parts. Future use of HTML, CSS Webpage page layout; voting browsing, online voting, voting and vote rules etc.. The backstage mainly use PHP prepared, easy maintenance, and powerful, write more convenient and beautiful, more convenient (Management) management. The system uses the most powerful open-source database MySql, its small size, fast speed, low total cost of ownership.

Keywords: Vote, PHP, MySQL


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