


常州市武进区2017届高三英语期中试卷 一、单项选择

21. The joy of fiction lies in its ability to transport us into new realities ______ anything is possible.

A. how B. what C. where D. that 22. There’s no chance that we can change the history. ______, it is important that we learn lessons to face the future. A. Meanwhile B. Nevertheless C.

Otherwise D. Therefore 23. “Orange” smog alert, announced according to the ______ of the air pollution, indicates the second-highest warning level. A. deposit存钱 B. gravity C.

framework机制框架 D. certificate证明 24. The local government is ______ the development of a healthy economy and the conservation of the environment at the same time. A. appealing to有吸引力 B. making up占比例、编造、化妆 C. pushing for迫切要求、努力争取 D. turning over翻转、移交 25. Failure has brought me benefits, teaching me things about myself that I ______ no other way. A. could have learned B.

needn’t have learned C. should have learned D.

wouldn’t have leaned 26. ______ overseas, as the professor puts it, means a valuable chance for soldiers to practice the skills. A. Being stationed B. Stationed C. Stationing D. Having been stationed 27. — You appear to have lost some weight. — Just imagine the weeks of fear I ______ at the thought of the coming interview.

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A. will suffer B. have been suffering C. suffered D. was suffering 28. When he had saved ______ he considered enough money, he started on his journey to Africa. A. that B. how C. which D. what 29. He ______ with his conscience a minute or two and told her the truth. A. corresponded通信一致 B.

compromised妥协 C. wrestled解决、斗争 D. substituted A for

B替换 30. Once a country with over 942 million ______ in poverty, China has now reduced this to 55 million.独立主格结构 A. lived B. living C. was living D. had lived 31. The Qing Tombs are influenced by the Ming Tombs, especially ______ architecture. A. in terms of B. in spite of C. in

favor of D. in honor of

32. The artificial intelligence (AI) and the possible dangers (that) ______ may cause to human race have raised wide concern. A. which B. what C. that D. it 33. — Have you told Mary about it? — No. She ______ on the phone, so I didn’t disturb her. A. was speaking B. is speaking C.

has spoken D. had spoken

34. Interesting ______ some books are ______, they leave readers with little to think about. A. though, to be read B. as, to read C.

although, read D. while, reading 35. — Will you send your son for extra lessons after the school day? —______, unless he wants to. A. No doubt B. You bet/ Certainly C. Don’t mention it D. Definitely not 二、完形填空 第 3 页 共 30 页

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