
拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难;携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。如果你希望成功,以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以小心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。Unit 1 How can we become good learners?

Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck)

Step 1 Free talk

Talk about how we can learn English well with your partner. How can we learn English well?

by taking part in relevant activities in English by reading English story book

by listening to tapes over and over again by making word cards by watching videos Step 2 3a-3b

3a Your friend wants to improve his/her English and asks you for help. What are the three best ways to learn and why? Make some notes in the chart. Best ways to learn 1. Being interested in what you do Reasons If you are interested in Examples If you like music, you can something, your brain will learn English by listening be more active and … to English songs. by doing English game Taking part in relevant activities in English practice oral English 1

Reading some books improve your reading speed by reading English story books 3b Write a letter to your friend. Give him /her some advice about the best ways to learn English. Use your notes in 3a. Use the following expressions to help you: There are three good ways to … I think you should… If you do this, you will…

It is also a good idea to …because… You could try to improve your English by… This will help you to… Sample Dear...,

There are three good ways to learn English. You can learn by making word cards, reading story books, listening to tapes and so on. I think you should learn English by reading some English story books. If you do this, you will improve your reading speed. … Your friend, … Step 3 Self check

1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. practice develop remember prepare


take notes until worry about everything

Are you stressed out each time you have a test? You don’t have to be if you __________ smart study skills. Remember to ___________ in class and review them on your own or with friends after class. Then __________ what you learned by doing exercises. Try to study and _________ information bit by bit instead of waiting ________ the last minute to study ___________ at once. If you __________ well for a test, then there’s nothing to ___________!

2. Number these sentences in order to make a conversation. _____What’s the matter?

_____ Well, I practice my listening by listening to the tape over and over again

until I can understand everything. _____ So you want to practice your listening? _____ Hi, Jake. I need your help. _____ Uh-huh. Do you have any advice? _____OK, I’ll try that.

_____ I have a listening test next week. 3. Give advice to these people. 1. Jane is a very slow reader.

She should improve her reading speed _________________________________. 2. Li Ming wants to improve his listening.

He could practice his listening __________________________________. 3. Meiping doesn’t know many English words.

She could learn more words ____________________________.


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