人教版英语九年级 Unit10知识点

18. We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. 【解析1】plan to do 计划做某事 【解析2】 go somewhere 去某地 somewhere adv. 在某处;到某处 注意: somewhere是副词, 前面不可用介词

【拓展】somewhere常用于肯定句中, anywhere(任何地方)常用于否定句和疑问句中。在疑问句中, 可以用somewhere或anywhere, 如果期望对方回答“是”, 就用somewhere;如果不知道对方会回答“是”还是“不是”, 用somewhere、 anywhere都可以。 19. it’s important to be on time. 准时很重要。 【解析】be important to sb. 对某人来说非常重要 20.In many eastern European countries, you take off your gloves before shaking hands. 【解析】 take ( take →took → taken) v 带来 从(讲话者)拿走 【短语】 take care 小心 take charge of 负责,看管 take hold of 握住 take off 脱下/(飞机等)起飞 take out 取出 take a look 看一看 take away 拿走 take exercise 做运动 take it easy 不紧张 take one’s time 从容不迫 21. but it is worth the trouble if you want to understand another culture. 【解析】be worth doing sth 值得做某事

Section B

1. In China, you’re not supposed to stick your chopsticks into the food. 【解析】stick into 插入;伸入 2. They go out of their way to make me feel at home.他们竭力使我感觉像在自己家里一样。 【解析1】go out of one’s way 特地;格外努力 go out of one’s way to do sth = try one’s best to do sth 竭力做好某事 He would go out of his way to help anyone in trouble. 他常不怕麻烦去帮助有困难的人 He went out of his way _______________(make) me happy. 【 与way有关的短语】 all the way 一路上 in no way 决不 by the way 顺便提一下,另外 in a way 在某点,在某种程度上 by way of 经由,通过 ?? 方式 get in the way 挡道 in one's / the way 妨碍,阻碍in this way 用这种方法 lead the way 带路,引路 lose one's way 迷路 on the / one's way (to) 在去??的路上 【解析2】make sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归 【拓展】make mistake 犯错误 make a decision 做决定 make one’s bed 整理床铺 make a noise 制造噪音 make faces 做鬼脸 make friends 交朋友

3. I’m very comfortable speaking French now. 【解析】be comfortable doing sth. 做某事很轻松, 乐意做某事 I feel comfortable talking with you. 和你讲话感觉很舒服。

4. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table(2b) 【解析】behave v. 表现;举止 → behavior n. 行为;举止;习性;态度 He behaves himself like a man. 他表现得像一男子汉。

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6. I thought that was pretty strange at first, ... 【解析】 pretty (1)adv“颇;相当地” 常用于口语,只可以修饰其他形容词或副词 After six months, I could speak Chinese pretty well.6个月之后, 我就能讲相当好的汉语了

(2)adj. 漂亮的;秀丽的;好看的 What a pretty little garden! 多么漂亮的小花园! 【注】pretty语气较beautiful弱,且大多用来指年轻的女性, 一般不用来描写成年男性。 pretty也可以用于男女儿童, 表示漂亮、活泼、可爱 7. ? you’re not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread ? (1)except“除......之外”不包括所说的东西 例:I get up early except Sunday. (不包括星期天) Nobody was late for the meeting except me today. (2)besides的意思是“除了......之外,还有” 例:Five others are late besides me. (包含我在内)

8. Another thing is that it’s impolite to say that you’re full. 【解析】 full adj. 吃饱的; 满的, 充满的 【辨析】be full of/ (be) filled with 【共同点】“充满?”, 有时可以换用。 【不同点】be full of指“充满的”这一状态, (be) filled with通常指动作。 9. ?, but I gradually getting used to it. 但是我逐渐习惯。 【解析】get used to = be used to,“习惯于某事或做某事的意思”, to为介词,后接名词或动名词,不能跟动词原形。 They have got used to getting up early in the morning. 他们已习惯早起。 be / get used to结构可以用于各种时态中,。 You’ll be / get used to the work soon. 你不久就会习惯这个工作的 【注意】在学习be used to结构时,一定要注意它与以下几个结构的区别: used to do sth.意为“过去常常”,在这里to是动词不定式符号; be used to do sth.和be used for doing sth.意为“被用来做某事”, 是被动结构。 John used to smoke. 约翰过去抽烟。

This kind of wood can be used to make violins.这种木头可以用来制作小提琴。 10.You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.你必须把它切碎,用叉子吃。 【解析】cut up 切碎;切开 【拓展】与cut有关的短语 cut down 砍倒 cut one’s hair 理发 cut up 切碎 cut in 插嘴 cut off切断,停止

11、keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事 keep (on) doing sth. 一直做某事

keep sb. from doing sth.= stop sb.(from) doing sth.= prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 其他短语:

keep away from …与…保持距离 keep… out of… 阻止…进入 keep off…远离,避开

keep+ adj. 保持(某种状态)∕keep+n.+adj. 使…保持(某种状态) keep a pet 饲养一个宠物

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12. clean off 把…擦掉

out 把…内部彻底打扫干净 up 打扫干净

13.you are supposed to / are expected to knock before entering.=befor you enter.(时间状语)

knock vi. 敲门,其后常接介词at/on

v. 碰撞, knock into 与…相撞; knock down 撞到 n. 敲击声;敲击 There is a knock at the door.

14.Let me give you some suggestions and advice about Chinese customs. ①give sb. some suggestions and advice 给某人提出一些建议和意见 make/ offer a suggestion 提出建议 ask for a suggestion 征求建议

②suggest v. 建议 suggest/ advise doing sth.

Suggest + that 从句(用虚拟语气 should 可以省略) We suggested / advised putting off the sports meet. She suggests that we should start early tomorrow.

③suggest v. 暗示 What he said suggested he was honest. ④advice n. 不可数;忠告,劝告,建议

a piece of advice 一条建议 some pieces of advice/ some advice 一些建议 advise v. advise doing sth. 建议做某事 advise sb. to do sth.建议某人做某事 15.empty adj. 空的,反义:full 满的

v. 倒空 反义:fill 装满 Please empty the bottle. 16. Point at anyone with your chopsticks. 用筷子指着别人。 point…at …瞄准,对着 He is pointing his finger at me. point…to…指向 The hour hand pointed to twelve.

Point…out 指出 The teacher pointed out many mistakes in my homework.

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不定时的基本形式为:to+动词原形,有时可以不用to,这里的to 是不定式符号,本身无词义,动词不定式的否定形式是not+(to+)动词原形。 一、动词不定式的句法功能 功能 主语 表语 宾语 宾补 定语 状语 例句 speak English. every day is my work. —What sports does he like to play? —He likes to play basketball. My mother made me play the piano all the time. Have you got anything to say? 你有要说的吗? I'm sorry to trouble you. I went to the library to study English.(表目的) 在make,let,see,hear,watch等使役、感官动词后,不定式省略to。 不定式作定语,要放在所修饰词的后面。 不定式作状语,其逻辑主语要和句子的主语一致。 只能做某些动词的宾语,一般不作介词的宾语。 说明 定式放在后面。 To speak English is not easy for us=It is not easy for us to 作主语用的不定式,常常用it作形式主语,而把不My work is to clean the room everyday.=To clean the room 多数情况下,不定式作表语,可转换作为主语。 1. 不定式作主语

动词不定式作主语时,常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语放在句末 其结构为:It+be+adj.(+ for/ of sb.)+动词不定式 如:To learn English well is useful.→ It is useful to learn English well.

It’s important for us to protect the environment.

注意:在kind,good,nice,clever等表示人的品质的形容词后,不用for而用of。如: It's very kind of you to help me. It's very clever of you to do like that. 2. 不定式作宾语

有些谓语动词后只能用不定式作宾语,常见的这类词是表示命令、打算或希望的,如: would like, like, want, wish, hope, decide, plan, expect等。 如:Would you like to see a film this evening?

②在find, think,feel, make后跟不定式作宾语时,常用it代替,而将真正的宾语放在后面。 如: I find it easy to read English every day. ③常见的一些不带to的动词不定式

Why not do..., Why don't you do..., had better(not)do..., would rather do, could/would/will you please(not)do...

④既可接动词不定式又可以接ing 形式作宾语,意思差别不大的动词有begin, start,like, love, hate 等。 Then I start to watch English-language TV. I like to eat vegetables. 3. 不定式作宾语补足语

不定式作宾语补足语时与宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。如:Lucy asked him to turn down the radio. tell, ask, want, allow, get, would like, encourage后常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语。 如:My mother encourages me to learn Japanese.


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