
2006年MBA联考英语翻译真题 The smooth landing of shuttle(航天飞机)Discovery ended a flight that was successful in almost every respect but one:the dislodging of a big chunk of foam,like the one that doomed the Columbia. This flight was supposed to vault the shuttle fleet back into space after a prolonged grounding for repairs. But given the repeat of the very problem that two years of retooling was supposed to resolve,the verdict is necessarily mixed.(61)Once again,the space agency has been forced to put off the flight until it can find a solution to the problem,and no one seems willing to guess how that may take .

The Discovery astronauts performed superbly during their two-week mission,and the shuttle looked better than ever in some respects.(62)space officials were justifiably happy that so much had gone well,despite daily worries over possible risks. the flight clearly achieved its prime objectives.

The astronauts transferred tons of cargo to the international space station,which has been limping along overhead with a reduced crew and limited supplies carried up on smaller Russian spacecraft .(63)They replaced a broken device .repaired another and carted away a load of rubbish that had been left on the station,showing the shuttle can bring full loads back down from space.

This was the most scrutinized shuttle flight ever. with the vehicle undergoing close inspection while still in orbit.(64)New sensing and photographic equipment to look for potentially dangerous damage to the sensitive external skin proved valuable .A new back flip maneuver allowed station astronauts to photograph the shuttle's underbelly .and an extra-long robotic arm enabled astronauts see parts of the shuttle that were previously out of sight .

(65)The flood of images and the openness in discussing its uncertainties about potential hazards sometimes made it appear that the shuttle was about to fall apart,In the end the damage was clearly tolerable . A much-touted spacewalk to repair the shuttle's skin the first of its kind moved an astronaut close enough to pluck out some protruding material with his hand Preliminary evidence indicates that Discovery has far fewer nicks and gouges than shuttles on previous flights.

perhaps showing that improvements to reduce the shedding of debris from the external fuel tank have had some success .







Directions: In this section there is a passage in English Translate the passage into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

Powering the great ongoing changes of our time is the rise of human creativity as the defining feature of economic life. Creativity has come to be valued, because new technologies, new industries and new wealth flow from it. And as a result, our lives and society have begun to echo with creative ideas. It is our commitment to creativity in its varied dimensions that forms the underlying spirit of our age.

Creativity is essential to the way we live and work today, and in many senses always has been. The big advances in standard of living --not to mention the big competitive advantages in the marketplace--always have come from\that's not strictly true. One might point out, for instance, that during the long period from the early days on the Industrial Revolution to modern times, much of the growth in productivity and material wealth in the industrial nations came not just from creative inventions like the steam engine, but from the widespread application of \like massive division of labor ,concentration of assets, vertical integration and economies of scale. But those methods themselves were creative developments.




The term \computer and the spreadsheet(空白表格程序).Before the spreadsheet, business planning usually meant producing a single forecast. At best, you did a little sensitivity analysis around the projection. The spreadsheet ushered in a much more analytic approach to planning because every major line item could be pulled apart, its components and subcomponents analyzed and tested. You could ask what- if questions about the critical assumptions on which. your business depended-for example, what if customers are more price-sensitive than we thought?-and with a few keystrokes, you could see how any change would play out on every aspect of the whole. In other words, you could model the behavior of a business. Before the computer changed the nature of business planning, most successful business models were created more by accident than by elaborate design. By enabling companies to tie their marketplace insights much more tightly to the resulting economics, spread sheet made it possible to model business before they were launched.


With the nation’s financial system teetering on a cliff. The compensation arrangements for executives of the big banks and other financial firms are coming under close examination again. Bankers’ excessive risk- taking is a significant cause of this financial crisis and has continued, to others in the past, in this case, it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.

Mortgage lenders gladly lent enormous sums to those who could not afford to pay them back dividing the laws and selling them off to the next financial institution along the chain, advantage of the same high-tech securitization to load on more risky mortgage-based assets. Financial regulation will have to catch up with the most irresponsible practices that led banks down in this road, in hopes averting the next crisis, which is likely to involve different financial techniques and different sorts of assets. But it is worth examining the root problem of compensation schemes that are tied to short-term profits and revenue’s, and thus encourage bankers to take irresponsible risks.





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