
It was not until the 18th century that the bag of grain was replaced by a pillow.

III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The sights, sounds, and smells of the modern marketplace are rarely accidental. More likely they are tools of an evolving strategy of psychological marketing called “sensory marketing’ to create an emotional association to a(n) ____41____ product or brand.

By relating to people in a far more ___42____ way through everyone’s own senses, sensory marketing is able to affect people in a way that traditional mass marketing cannot.

Traditional marketing believes that consumers will systematically consider ____43__ product factors like price, features, and utility. Sensory marketing, by contrast, seeks to resort to the consumer’s life experiences and feelings. Sensory marketing believes that people, the consumers, will act according to their emotional urge more than to their ____44___ reasoning. By this way, an effective sensory marketing effort can result in consumers choosing to buy a lovely but expensive product, rather than a plain but cheap ____45____.

In the past, communications with customers were mainly monologues-----companies just “talked at” consumers. Then they evolved into dialogues, with customers providing ____46_____. Now they’re becoming multidimensional conversations, with products finding their won voices and consumers responding _____47____ to them.

Based on the implied messages received through five sense, consumers, without noticing the trend to apply human-like personalities to brands, leading to intimate relationship and, hopeful for the brands, persistent ____48____. And that’s the very thing brands are dying to fostering customers rather than instant trend or profits. And that’s the very thing brands are dying to foster customers rather than instant trend or profits. Most brands are considered to have either “sincere” or “exciting” personalities.

“ Sincere” brands like IBM and Boeing tend to be regarded as conservative and relative while “exciting” brands like Apple, and Ferrari are imaginative and __49______. In general, the consumers tend to form ____50___relationships with sincere brands than with exciting ones, this explains the relatively enduring history of the “Sincere Brands”.

Certainly, with the eyes containing two-thirds of all the ____51____cells in a person’s body, sight is considered the most important of all human senses. Sensory marketing uses sight to create a memorable “ sight experience” of the product for consumers which extends to packaging, store interiors, and printed advertising to form a (n) ___52____ image for the brand.

In other words, no aspects of a product design is left to ____53__anymore, especially color. Brand acceptance is linked closely with the appropriateness of the colors on the brand----- does the color ______54___ the product at all? If not, customers, though not realizing it themselves, will ____55____ the brands in all possible ways-sales, reputations, etc. Therefore, brands, isn’t it time now to study the new field of marketing?

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