
小学英语六年级下册堂堂清训练题 Unit 1 How Tall Are You?

Period 1

一、Read and change.写出下列形容词的比较级形式.

tall---________ short---___________ young--- ___________ old---________ strong---__________ 二、Read and make sentences. 连词成句. 1、 shorter , you , me , than , are (.)

_________________________________________________ 2、 are, how , tall , you(?)

_________________________________________________ 3、 how, are, you, old(?)

_________________________________________________ 三、Read and choose . 选词填空.

1. You are ___________(strong/stronger)than your brother. 2. A dog is ________(shorter/stronger)than a giraffe. 3.The man is ________(younger/older)than the boy. 4. I’m 145cm _________(taller/tall). 5.Tom is _________(tall/taller)than Mike.

Period 2

一、Read and fill.读句子,填上所缺的单词。 1、I’m 12 years old. You are 13.I’m_________than you. 2、I’m 160cm tall. You are 164cm.You are ______than me. 3、I’m taller than you, so you are ________than me.

4、You are 163cm tall. I’m 161cm.You’re_______taller than me.

5、You are 10years old . I’m 12 .I’m ______years older than you. 二、Survey your classmates and make a report.调查你的同学并作汇报。 Name …is …than….

Age Height Period 3

一、Read and choose。读一读,选择最佳答案。 1、The monkey has a _______ tail. A. longer B. tall C. long

2、The brown monkey is _______than the yellow one. A.strong B.stronger C.funny 3、My ruler is________than your ruler. A.short B.taller C.longer 二、英汉互译



3、How long is its tail?

4、Which monkey is stronger?

5、I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall.

Period 4


tall---__________strong---____________short---__________old---_________ big---___________small---___________thin---________long---____________ heavy---_________ young---___________ 二、填空

1.I’m 145 cm __________.

2.I’m 43 kg. you’re 40kg.I’m_____________than you. 3.The watermelon is __________than the orange. 4.Chen Jie’s hair is____________than Mike’s hair. 5.The rabbit’s tail is___________than the monkey’s. 三、连词成句。

1.my , longer , pencil , is , than , yours(.) ______________________________________ 2. hands , are ,bigger ,yours ,than ,my(.) _______________________________________

Period 5


1.________________________________ I’m 155 cm..

2._________________________________ I’m 13 years old.

3.__________________________________ I’m 46 kg.

4.__________________________________ I wear size17.

5.__________________________________ My hair is 30 cm long.


Ann and Amy are sisters.Ann is 13.She is 2 years younger than Amy.But She’s taller than Amy.Amy is 45 kg.She’s 2 kg heavier than Ann.Amy likes sports.She does sports every day.So she’s stronger than Ann.Amy has short hair,but Ann has long hair. They often wear the same size shoes.They wear size 36.They love each other. ( )1.Amy is11 years old. ( )2.Amy is taller than Ann. ( )3.Ann is 47 kg..

( )4.Amy is stronger than Ann. ( )5.Ann’s hair is shorter than Amy’s.

Period 6

一、看图表回答问题 Name Yao Ming Liu Xiang Zhou Jielun Age 31 28 32 Height 226 cm 188 cm 175 cm Weight 125 kg 74 kg 60 kg 1. How tall is Yao Ming?

___________________________________________________. 2. How heavy is Zhou Jielun?

____________________________________________________. 3. Is Liu Xiang heavier than Yao Ming?

_____________________________________________________. 4. Is Yao Ming younger than Zhou Jielun?

____________________________________________________. 5. Who is taller than Liu Xiang?


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