


试卷总分:100 得分:100

第1题,___________ in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose. A、To see B、Seen C、Seeing D、Being seen

第2题,No one in our class but Tom and Jack ______ what ______ with Mike. A、know; is wrong B、knows; wrong is

C、knows; is the matter D、know; wrong is

第3题,The girl's answer ______ good enough. A、sounded B、noised C、heard D、listened

第4题,A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _____ the guards discovered that. A、when B、until C、since D、before

第5题,It wasn't an accident. He did it on ______. A、reason

B、determination C、purpose D、intention


第6题,-I'm sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out. -_____________ A、Oh, great.

B、That sounds boring. C、That's all right! D、Oh, what a pity!

第7题,- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? - ________.

A、Yes, you may borrow B、Yes, go on

C、Yes, help yourself D、It doesn't matter

第8题,I am writing to ______ your appointment as Headmaster of the Grammar School. A、congratulate B、congratulate on

C、congratulate to you on D、congratulate you on

第9题,Julia hadn't reached the restaurant when Jim ________ there. A、has got B、gets C、had got D、got

第10题,-Do you mind if I smoke here? -__________

A、Yes, certainly not. B、No, please don't.

C、Sorry, it's forbidden here. D、Yes, I mind.


第11题,- Excuse me, is this seat free? - __________.

A、No, you can't sit here B、Sorry, it is taken

C、Yes, it is seated by a boy D、Yes, but I don't know

第12题,______ students ______ the meeting held the day before yesterday. A、The number of, attend B、A number of, attended C、The number of, attended D、A number of, attend

第13题,____there like that, you remind me of your father. A、To sit

B、Being sitting C、Sitting D、Sit

第14题,In computer programming, this model is _________ to any of the others we have in the department. A、the most superior B、superior

C、superior the most D、more superior

第15题,He felt that he ______ for the coldness that had grown between them. A、blamed

B、was blamed of C、was to blame

D、was to be blaming

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