2020版高考英语(全国版)人教英语 考点规范练32(选修7 Unit 2)

考点规范练32(选修7 Unit2)



Each year,hikers and mountain bikers get lost or injured in the

wilderness.Search and rescue efforts can involve 20 or more people.But a new “smart” drone(无人机) can follow hiking trails(小路) without a pilot’s assistance.This could allow rescuers to search more efficiently.

Scientists outfitted a craft with a single camera.As the drone’s

“eye”,the camera pointed forwards.But having an eye wasn’t enough.The drone also needed a “brain” to understand what it was seeing.And that brain would have to recognize what constitutes a trail.Camera images,however,can be very difficult for a computer to interpret,study leader Alessandro Giusti notes.So he and his team used photos of forest trails to train their drone’s neural network(神经网络).

They attached three GoPro cameras to a single headband.One camera pointed straight forward.The other two were directed 30 degrees to the right and left of the centre.A hiker put the package on and then hit the trails in a forested part of Switzerland.Over several weeks,the cameras recorded a total of 8 hours of video covering 7 kilometres of trails.

The researchers then divided the video into individual still images to train the neural network.The network learned to identify what a trail looked like.The team then tested the program with unused images from the video.The computer did a slightly better job than the people had in correctly classifying the images.This meant the drone was ready to navigate the real world on its own.Giusti and his team took their new “smart” device to a forest with trails that had not been used in the drone’s training.It flew along the

path,constantly adjusting its direction based on the images coming in through its camera.

The drone didn’t perform as well in real-life as it did in the lab,Giusti admits.That’s because the drone’s camera took lower-quality images than the cameras that had been used to train it.As a result,the images being taken by the drone looked different,he explains.This confused its neural network.

“It’s an exciting use for neural networks,” says Christopher Rasmussen,a computer-vision scientist who was not involved with the study.“However,the problems faced in the experiments show that there are still some important issues to be worked out.”

1.The “smart” drone has been created in order to help . A.find travelers who get lost B.ensure the safety of travelers C.deliver necessities to travelers D.show travelers the way to a place

2.While being tested to classify the images in the lab,the computer . A.did as well as the people

B.did a lot better than the people C.did much worse than the people

D.did a little better than the people

3.Why didn’t the drone perform well in the forest? A.The light in the forest was very poor. B.The trees or bushes covered the trails. C.The drone couldn’t fly very low there.

D.The pictures taken were of poor quality.

4.What is Christopher Rasmussen’s attitude towards the results of the experiments?

A.Critical. B.Doubtful. C.Objective. D.Optimistic.


Shopping centres,stadiums and universities may soon have a new tool to help fight crime.

A California company called Knightscope says its robots can predict and prevent crime.Knightscope says the goal is to reduce crime by half in areas the robots guard.

William Santana Li is the chief executive officer of Knightscope.He says,“These robot security guards will change the world.Our planet has seven billion people on it.It’s going to quickly get to nine billion people.The security equipment that we have globally is just not going to develop that fast.The company’s Autonomous Data Machines can become the eyes and ears of law enforcement (执行).”

“You want it to be machines plus humans.Let the machines do the heavy and sometimes dangerous work and let the humans do the strategic decision-making work,so it’s always working all together.”

The machines are one and a half meters tall and weigh 136 kilograms.They do not carry weapons but they have day-and-night time video cameras which are able to turn 360 degrees and can also sense chemical and biological weapons.

Some people may become concerned about their privacy,especially in

connection with the video recordings.Some people may worry that such recordings will appear on the Internet.Eugene Volokh,a law professor at the University of California,says the machines have to be used in the right way and it will be interesting to see how state laws deal with this kind of video.

William Santana Li says there is a long waiting list for the robots in the US.Workers in the company are working overtime to meet the demands of the market.At least 25 other countries are also interested in these robotic security guards.

5.What can this new tool do for humans? A.Make strategic decisions. B.Keep watching day and night. C.Carry heavy weapons. D.Stop crime autonomously. 6.Why are people worried?

A.Their privacy may be let out. B.The robots are very expensive. C.Robots will replace humans. D.They will be out of work soon.

7.Which of the following can be the best title of the text? A.Robots Are Becoming More Popular B.Robots Contribute a Lot to the World C.Robots Are in Great Demand Now

D.Security Robots Could Help Cut Crime Ⅱ.七选五阅读




Which is much more significant to you when you are finding a job?Working experience or an advanced degree?Well,I believe diverse people have different answers. 1 Here are some reasons:

Above all,most of jobs don’t require such a high degree,which means just some work,such as theoretical physics,archaeology,or literature,needs high academic qualification. 2 For example,when you are offering a department

manager post,and there is a man who has already been a manager for three years but only has a master’s degree and an inexperienced person with a doctor’s degree,which one would you choose?Definitely the first one for the manager who doesn’t acquire a doctor’s degree but has rich working experience.

3 For instance,Bill Gates,who was the richest man in the world and one of the most successful merchants.What a wise choice when he decided to abandon studying so that he could gain more working experience instead of a doctor’s degree!Or Steve Paul Jobs,who discontinued his study at the age of nineteen in order to become a member of a computer company just like Bill Gates. 4

5 Maybe you shouldn’t have to gain an advanced or high degree,but that doesn’t mean nothing.Probably a bachelor’s degree is still necessary in this fiercely competitive society.

All in all,I think rich working experience is much more important than an advanced degree.

A.However,a degree is still required for most people.

B.Meanwhile,rich working experience will draw more attention.

C.Secondly,plenty of experience will bring you success much earlier. D.In my view,either working experience or an advanced degree counts. E.As for me,I will say working experience without hesitation.

F.As a matter of fact,more people with rich working experience become successful.

G.From all of these,we can see that an advanced degree isn’t so necessary as working experience. Ⅲ.书面表达

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参考词汇:邙山Mangshan Mountain;报名sign up;征文比赛essay contest



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