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2016年 5月 1 日




以Microsoft Visual 2010作为开发工具,采用ASP.NET技术,使用SQL Server2008 r2数据库进行开发。

【关键词】:大学生后勤管理系统; ASP.NET;Sql Server 2008 r2;Microsoft Visual 2010


As human being at an alarming rate into the information era of rapid development of electronic information network, today we not only have basic computer skills, and be proficient in the use of computing and the application of science and technology to the benefit of convenient our lives. In order to promote college logistics information construction of the country, and stressed the need to promote the school system to improve the management of scientific information and modernization, in order to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of managers at all levels of decision-making.

This system is a management system Students late, it can provide a convenient platform for the students dormitory query, the main user registration login, user profile information and dormitory access, see the dormitory water consumption. The entire site is simple, user-friendly, flexible and practical.

In Microsoft Visual 2010 as a development tool, using ASP.NET technology, using SQL Server2008 r2 database development.

【Key words】: Logistics management system for College Students; ASP.NET; Sql Server 2008 r2; Visual Microsoft 2010

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