外研版英语八年级下册 Module 4 单元测试题 含答案

外研版英语八年级下册 Module 4 单元测试题

I. 单项选择

1. –How long have you lived in the new flat

A. In

B. After

C. When

–______ last year. D. Since D. fever

D. Yes, I do

2. Mr. Green had a ______ and he went to see a dentist.

A. headache B. stomach ache C. toothache 3. –Have you had a cough

A. No, I don’t

4. How long have you ______ a cold

A. had A. have

B. caught B. eat

C. catched C. drink B. to; health

D. have D. take

C. for; healthy D. to; healthy

5. How many times should I ______ the medicine every day 6. Drinking too much cola is harmful ______ children’s ______.

A. for; health A. knew; since A. left

B. has left

7. Paul ______ Mike ______ September, 2013.

B. has known; since C. has known; in D. knows; in C. has been away D. has gone

8. My father ______ on business for two weeks. He’ll come back in three days. 9. Thomas ______ the army for two years, so he misses his family very much.

A. has joined B. has joined in C. has taken part in D. has been in 10. His sister ______ for more than three years.

A. has come here left the university

11. Mr. Chen ______ English in the school since he ______ to the city.

A. taught; has moved C. has taught; moved A. is changed; is looked C. has changed; is looked A. too much; too much C. too much; much too A. many exercise exercise

15. My brother has learnt English ______.

B. has taught; has moved D. taught; moved B. is changed; looks D. has changed; looks B. much too; much too D. much too; too much B. little exercise

C. enough exercise

D. few

B. has started to work C. has lived there D. has –______.

B. No, I haven’t C. Yes, I haven’t

12. Everything ______ in our school since 2009. Now, it ______ very modern.

13. Eating ______ fast food is bad for you, so don’t eat it ______.

14. It’s good to take ______ every day.

A. for twelve years ago C. twelve years ago

II. 词汇

B. since he was four

D. at the age of four

1. He had a h__________________ because of a bad cold.

2. I took his t__________________ and found out that he had a low f__________________. 3. The girl is never strong. She gets even w__________________ after her illness. 4. You should e__________________ more instead of staying at home. 5. My grandfather likes sports and he is in great c__________________.

6. If you don’t go to bed early, you’ll feel s__________________ the next day. 7. I’m not sure. P__________________ he is in the library. 8. The New York Times is a d__________________ newspaper.

9. Britain will remain an important m__________________ of the European Union.

III. 适当形式填空

1. We decided ____________________ (study) harder from now on. 2. Tom has sat all day so his back _________________ (hurt) now.

3. They ______________________ (read) any of the six English novels so far.

4. I see Tom _________________ (cough) badly these days. He should go to see the doctor. 5. –What about _________________ (go) swimming with us –Good idea! Let’s go.

6. They walked a long way, so they decided to stop _______________ (walk) to have a rest. 7. Smoking is _________________ (harm) to our health. 8. Most _________________ (ill) aren’t dangerous.

9. _____________ (spend) too much time on your cellphone is _______________ (health).

IV. 句型转换

1. I have a terrible cough and my head hurts. (对本句提问) __________ __________ __________ with you

2. They were so tired that they couldn’t walk on. (改为同义句) They were __________ __________ __________ walk on. 3. Josh bought the bike two years ago. (改为同义句)

Josh __________ __________ the bike __________ two years ago.

V. 完成句子

1. 我妹妹已经病了三天了。

My sister _____________________________________________ three days. 2. 每天服药两次,你会感觉好些的。

_____________________________________________ every day and you’ll feel better.

3. 那位90岁的老人身体状况很好。

The 90-year-old man is _____________________________________________. 4. 跑完步后,我浑身发热。

I’m ______________________________ after running. 5. 你应该积极参加户外运动。

You should _____________________________________________ outdoor activities.

VI. 阅读理解

What do you do to get pocket money from your parentsIn western countries,many children do chores to get pocket usually start to do this when they are eight years old.

School students have to do homework and study for don't have a lot of free time on often do chores on weekends.

Young kids only do easy they don't get much that's all of them only want to buy candy is cheap!They often help do the dishes,sweep the floor,or feed the family cat or dog.

When they get older,kids want to buy more and more want things that are more expensive than they have to work harder!They often help their parents wash the family car,cut the grass,or cook meals.

Some jobs are a good way for kids to learn new example,they can learn how to course,their parents help them at first.

1.How do many children get pocket money in western countries__ __ A.They do parttime jobs. B.They study hard. C.They do chores.

D.They ask their parents for it.

2.Western kids start to do chores to get pocket money at the age of __ __. A.eight B.nine C.ten D.eleven

3.Why do school students often do chores on weekends__ __ A.Because they have a lot of free time on weekdays. B.Because they have to study on weekdays.

C.Because their parents are not at home on weekends. D.Because nobody can look after them on weekends.

4.Sally wants to get more pocket money to buy something may __ __. A.do the dishes B.sweep the floor

C.feed the family cat or dog D.cut the grass

5.What's the best title of this passage__ __ A.Why western kids do chores B.How western kids do chores

C.How western kids get pocket money D.How western kids learn new things


I. 单项选择


1. He had a headache because of a bad cold.

2. I took his temperature and found out that he had a low fever. 3. The girl is never strong. She gets even weaker after her illness. 4. You should exercise more instead of staying at home. 5. My grandfather likes sports and he is in great condition. 6. If you don’t go to bed early, you’ll feel sleepy the next day. 7. I’m not sure. Perhaps he is in the library. 8. The New York Times is a daily newspaper.

9. Britain will remain an important member of the European Union. III. 适当形式填空

1. We decided to study (study) harder from now on. 2. Tom has sat all day so his back hurts (hurt) now.

3. They haven’t read (read) any of the six English novels so far.

4. I see Tom cough (cough) badly these days. He should go to see the doctor. 5. –What about going (go) swimming with us 7. Smoking is harmful (harm) to our health. 8. Most illnesses (ill) aren’t dangerous.

9. Spending (spend) too much time on your cellphone is unhealthy (health). IV. 句型转换

1. What is wrong / What’s the matter with you 2. They were too tired to walk on.

3. Josh has had the bike since two years ago. V. 完成句子

1. My sister has been ill for three days.

2. Take the medicine twice every day and you’ll feel better.

–Good idea! Let’s go.

6. They walked a long way, so they decided to stop walking (walk) to have a rest.

3. The 90-year-old man is in excellent condition. 4. I’m hot all over after running.

5. You should take an active part in outdoor activities. VI. 阅读理解 1---5 CABDC

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