È˽ÌÐÂÄ¿±ê2018-2019ѧÄêµÚ¶þѧÆÚÆßÄ꼶ӢÓï Unit 5 µ¥ÔªÌáÓŲâÊÔÌâ

2018-2019ѧÄêµÚ¶þѧÆÚÆßÄ꼶ӢÓï Unit 5 µ¥ÔªÌáÓŲâÊÔÌâ

£¨Âú·Ö100·Ö£© ÐÕÃû µÃ·Ö Ì⠺ŠµÃ·Ö ¢ñ ¢ò ¢ó ¢ô ¢õ ¢ö ¢÷ ¢ø ¢ñ£®µ¥ÏîÑ¡ÔñÌâ(±¾´óÌâ¹²15СÌ⣬ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬¹²15·Ö)

Ì⠺Š´ð °¸ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. ¡ª________ do you like animals? ¡ª________ they are cute. A£®Why£»Because A£®little A£®smart A£®a£»an B£®What£»So B£®a kind of B£®cute B£®an£»a C£®Why£»So C£®kind C£®lazy C£®a£»a D£®What£»Because D£®kind of D£®boring D£®a£»the 2. The baby dog is ________ interesting.I like it very much. 3. Little Tom never cleans his room.I think he is ________. 4. Look£¡There is ________ elephant and ________ lion in the picture. 5. ¡ªDo you like pandas?

¡ªYes£¬I think they're ________ lovely. A£®a kind of A£®sleep£»sleep B£®kinds of B£®sleeps£»sleeps C£®kind of C£®sleeps£»sleep D£®all kinds of D£®sleep£»sleeps 6. People usually ________ at night£¬but Mr.Wang ________ in the day. 7. ¡ªLet's see the lions. ¡ª________.Let's see the tigers. A£®Thank you A£®friend£»friend A£®happy A£®go£»see A£®dangerous A£®cut them down A£®do B£®That's boring B£®friendly£»friend B£®lazy B£®go to£»to see B£®danger B£®cut it down B£®doing C£®You're welcome C£®friend£»friendly C£®beautiful C£®to go£»see C£®in dangerous C£®cut down them C£®to do D£®Sounds great D£®friendly£»friends D£®shy D£®to go£»to see D£®in danger D£®cut down it D£®does 8. Our English teacher Miss Wang is very ________ to us.We are ________. 9. ¡ªLinda£¬you look very ________ in the new sweater. ¡ªThank you. 10. Let's ________ the zoo.I want ________ the tigers. 11. We must save animals because some of them are ________. 12. Trees are very important.We can't ________. 13. I forget ________ my homework£¬so the teacher is very angry(ÉúÆøµÄ) with me. 14. ¡ªLook at these new desks.

¡ªOh£¬they are all made ________ wood(ľͷ)£® A£®of B£®from C£®with D£®by 15. Dogs are ________ and ________. So we all like them.

A£®friendly£»boring B£®cute£»friendly C£®lazy£»shy D£®young£»ugly ¢ò£®ÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ(10·Ö)

Many people like pandas very much.They are very 1 . Most of them live in Sichuan£¬ 2 . They 3 white hair£¬but their shoulders£¬legs£¬ears and eyes are 4 £®Pandas are usually heavy£¬but they can climb trees like 5 animals.

Pandas' favorite food is bamboo 6 . But long long ago(ºÜ¾ÃÒÔÇ°)£¬pandas liked to eat meat. It takes pandas a lot of time to have food every day. When pandas are full£¬they like 7 . They relax many hours every day.

However£¬there are 8 pandas in the world today. 9 some people cut down too many bamboo trees and pandas cannot find enough(×ã¹»µÄ) food.

I think we must 10 them. £¨ £©1. £¨ £©2. £¨ £©3. £¨ £©4. £¨ £©5. £¨ £©6. £¨ £©7. £¨ £©8. £¨ £©9. £¨ £©10. A.ugly A.China A.are A.black A.another A.roots A.relax A.a little A.So A.help B£®lazy B£®South Africa B£®has B£®white B£®other B£®branches B£®relaxing B£®not one B£®Because B£®visit C£®lovely C£®Australia C£®like C£®fat C£®others C£®grass C£®run C£®not many C£®And C£®like D£®tall D£®England D£®have D£®big D£®else D£®leaves D£®running D£®many D£®But D£®see ¢ó£®ÔĶÁÀí½â(30·Ö) A

Everybody has a home. People have homes. Animals have homes. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of homes, too.

Some animals live in holes(¶´) under the ground. The woodchuck(ÍÁ²¦Êó) lives under the ground. His home has two doors. If any animal comes into one door, the woodchuck goes out through the other. Some animals live in holes in trees. Some squirrels(ËÉÊó) build nests(ÎÑ) high in trees. Most of the birds live in nests in trees. But hawks(Ó¥) build their nests high in the mountains(ɽ). £¨ £©1. The story is about .

A. some trees C. some animals A. All the animals C. All the squirrels A. One A. not the same A. holes

C. different kinds of houses

B. Two B. the same

B. some people

D. the homes of some animals B. All the woodchucks D. All the birds C. Three C. in holes B. trees D. mountains

D. None D. in trees

£¨ £©2. live under the ground.

£¨ £©3. How many doors are there in the woodchuck's house? £¨ £©4. Animals' homes are . £¨ £©5. People live in .


The long trunk£¨Ïó±Ç£© of an elephant is a wonderful example of skill£®The neck of four-footed animals is usually long£¬to have them reach their food without difficulty£¬but the elephant has a short neck£¬to make him more easily support the weight of his huge head and heavy teeth£®His long trunk lets him get his food easily£®

The trunk of an elephant is to him what the neck is to other animals£®It is also a nose to him£¬for at the end of it there is an empty place like a cup£¬and in the bottom of the cup are two holes£¬and the animal smells and breathes through them£®It is an arm and a hand too£¬so that it has been said that the elephant carries his nose in his hand£¬and it might also have been said that he breathe by his hand£®

At the end of the trunk£¬there is a strange part£¬about five inches long£¬which forms a finger£®With this finger the animal can pick up the smallest piece of money from the ground£¬and he has been taught to make marks like letter with a pen£®

The trunk of a full-grown elephant is about feet long£®The elephant has such great strength that he can knock down a man with it£®

£¨ £©6£®The elephant has a short neck to support £®

A£®his leg£® B£®his body C£®his arm£® D£®his head and teeth£® £¨ £©7£®The trunk of the elephant helps him get his easily£®





£¨ £©8£®The trunk of the elephant takes the place of the following except £® A£®a neck B£®a nose and a finger C£®an arm and a hand D£®a leg £¨ £©9£®How does the elephant smell£¿Through two holes £®

A£®in the bottom of the cup C£®in his head A£®weak


B£®at the beginning of the trunk D£®in his face C£®quiet


£¨ £©10£®The elephant can knock down a man with his trunk£®This shows that he is £® C

Few people would be foolish enough to walk among lions and other wild animals. Today you can drive safely through a wild animal country, if you keep your car windows closed. There are some zoos in the United States. The first was opened in 1967 in Florida£¨·ðÂÞÀï´ïÖÝ£©. It is called Lion Country Safari. Lion Country Safari has 640 acres£¨Ó¢Ä¶£©full of wild African animals, such as elephants, giraffes. To keep visitors safe, there are a few rules-no cloth-top cars, all windows closed, and no getting out of cars. If you want to get closer to the animals, you can go to the petting place. There are only baby animals. £¨ £©11. This passage is mainly about ________.

A£®how to get closer to all kinds of animals B£®baby animals in the zoo C£®a zoo that is different from others D£®how to drive in the zoo A£®drive C£®stay in the car

A£®About six hundred and forty.

B£®open their car windows D£®look out of the window B£®About eight hundred and fifty.

£¨ £©12. In the zoo people must not ________.

£¨ £©13. According to the passage, how many animals are there in the zoo altogether?

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