中考英语 英语 完形填空专题练习(附答案)50

中考英语 英语 完形填空专题练习(附答案)50

一、英语完形填空 1.完形填空

The B&.O Railroad Museum is in Baltimore. Its site is 1 to be the birthplace of the American railroad. The museum 2 the most complete railroad collections in 3 . On the second floor, there is an 4 of station clocks, and a small movie theatre. The museum also has an 5 collection of engines, cars, cranes and 6 railroad equipment. 7 the winter of 2002- 2003, heavy 8 destroyed the roof of the museum and damaged more than half of the 9 , which may have been the museum's 10 loss. But there was still some 11 the insurance(保险) on the museum, though it wasn't clear at first 12 it would get from that.

The museum was very 13 . In the end, although it had 14 millions of dollars, all of it was replaced by the insurance. The museum had been 15 until November 2004. Its manager says, \ 1. A. looked 2. A. shares 3. A. Britain 5. A. inside 6. A. others 7. A. With 8. A. rain 9. A. windows 10. A. biggest 11. A. desire 12. A. how often 13. A. lucky 14. A. destroyed 15. A. open

B. made B. owns

C. built C. discovers

D. thought D. produces D. America D. outdoor D. many D. At D. fog D. easiest

B. Australia C. Canada B. outside C. indoor B. other B. For B. snow B. rooms B. hope

C. another C. During C. sunshine

4. A. advertisement B. exhibition C. introduction D. entry

C. collections D. wheels C. sculptures D. advantages

B. smallest C. hardest

B. how long C. how much D. how soon B. unusual C. disappointed D. interested B. thrown C. wasted B. closed

C. cleaned

D. lost D. noticed

【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)D;(4)B;(5)D;(6)B;(7)C;(8)B;(9)C;(10)A;(11)B;(12)C;(13)A;(14)D;(15)B; 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了在巴尔的摩的铁路博物馆。

(1)句意: 它的所在地据说是美国铁路的发源地。is thought to be,据说,固定搭配 , 故选D。

(2)句意:博物馆拥有美国最完整的铁路收藏品。A分享,B拥有,C发现,D生产,根据 the most complete railroad collections最完整的铁路收藏品可知是拥有 ,故选B。 (3)句意:博物馆拥有美国最完整的铁路收藏品。A英国,B澳大利亚,C加拿大,D美国,根据 birthplace of the American railroad美国铁路的发源地可知是在美国 , 故选D。

(4)句意: 在二楼,有一个车站时钟的展品和一个小电影院。A广告,B展品,C介绍,D入口,博物馆里的都是展品 ,故选B。

(5)句意: 博物馆还收藏了室外的发动机、汽车、起重机和其他的铁路设备。A在里面,B在外面,C室内的,D室外的,根据cars, cranes可知汽车、起重机是室外的的东西 , 故选D。

(6)句意:博物馆还收藏了室外的发动机、汽车、起重机和其他的铁路设备。A其他的,不修饰名词,B其他的,可修饰不可数名词,C另一个,修饰名词单数,D许多,修饰名词复数,根据 equipment 可知装备是不可数名词 ,故选B。

(7)句意:在2002-2003年的冬天,大雪摧毁了博物馆的屋顶,损坏了超过一半的藏品,这可能是博物馆最大的损失。A有,B为了,C在......期间,D在,根据 2002- 2003可知表示期间 , 故选C。

(8)句意:在2002-2003年的冬天,大雪摧毁了博物馆的屋顶,损坏了超过一半的藏品,这可能是博物馆最大的损失。A雨,B雪,C阳光,D雾,根据 winter可知冬天的是雪 ,故选B。


(10)句意:在2002-2003年的冬天,大雪摧毁了博物馆的屋顶,损坏了超过一半的藏品,这可能是博物馆最大的损失。A最大的,B最小的,C最难的,D最简单的,根据 damaged more than half of 损坏了一半以上可知是很大的损失,故选A。

(11)句意:但是博物馆的保险还是有希望的,虽然一开始还不清楚能从中得到多少。根据there was,可知主语名词是不可数或单数,故排除名词复数C和D,A渴望,B希望,能否有保险赔偿是种希望,故选B。

(12)句意:但是博物馆的保险还是有希望的,虽然一开始还不清楚能从中得到多少。A多久一次,B多长,C多少钱,D多久才,根据 millions of dollars和钱有关的是how much,指赔偿数量 , 故选C。

(13)句意: 博物馆非常幸运。A幸运的,B不寻常的,C失望的,D感兴趣的,根据 The insurance saved our museum 保险拯救了我们的博物馆可知是幸运的事情 , 故选A。

(14)句意:最后,虽然它损失了数百万美元,但全部被保险公司所取代。A消灭,B扔掉,C浪费,D损失,根据damaged more than half of , 损坏了一半以上是指损失,故选D。

(15)句意:博物馆一直到2004年11月才开放。它的经理说,“保险拯救了我们的博物馆!”A关闭,B开放,C清理,D注意到,根据 The insurance saved our museum 保险拯救了我们的博物馆,可知博物馆可以继续开放,故选B。



Roger was new in town, and he had no friends here. His birthday was coming. He wanted to have a big party, but he was 1 that other kids would not come to his party.

One week 2 the birthday party, Roger and his 3 went to Benny's Pizza Store. It had the best pizza in the town. Roger wanted a large pizza. He 4 it very much. 5 , Roger got a great idea. “Will you teach me to cook pizza?” he asked Benny. “Benny is very 6 . He may not have time to teach you,” said Roger's father.

“But 7 loves his pizza!” said Roger. “ 8 I can cook pizza like him, I'll be the most popular boy in school.”

“I will help you,” said Benny. “Come here after school every day and you can learn to make it 9 !”

Roger decided to have a 10 . After that he went to Benny's Pizza Store every day after school. Benny 11 him how to make pizza. At last, he could make very good pizza. Roger told the kids at school that his party would have pizza from Benny's. Everyone was 12 But when they came to Roger's 13 , Benny wasn't there. However, they saw Roger

14 pizza himself. The kids didn't believe that Roger could make pizza. But when Roger took the pizza out of the oven(烤箱), everyone agreed the pizza 15 just like Benny's. It might be a little bit better. 1. A. pleased 2. A. at 3. A. brother 5. A. Also 6. A. lazy 7. A. nobody 8. A. After 9. A. myself 10. A. try 12. A. relaxed 14. A. eating

B. strict B. father

C. lucky C. friend

D. afraid D. mother D. Suddenly D. easy D. If D. drink D. warned D. store D. buying

B. before C. behind D. past

4. A. suggested B. minded C. enjoyed D. prepared

B. At once C. First B. busy

C. free

B. anyone C. someone D. everyone B. Although C. As B. talk B. proud

C. walk C. taught C. house

B. yourself C. herself D. himself

11. A. allowed B. saw 13. A. restaurant B. hotel 15. A. sounded B. tasted

C. excited D. bored

B. making C. selling

C. looked D. felt


【解析】【分析】主要讲了Roger新来到城镇后,他的生日即将到来,因为担心没有朋友来,他和爸爸去了Benny's Pizza Store后决定学习制作披萨,并且在聚会时亲自制作披萨。 (1)句意:但是他害怕其他孩子将不来他的聚会。A.pleased高兴的;B.strict严格的;C.lucky幸运的;D.afraid害怕。根据he had no friends here. His birthday was coming. He

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