

The cat is the sofa.

III. 把括号中的字母重新组合,构成一个新词,填到空格处,使句子完整 (5分)

30. Please me my watch, I need it. (rnibg)

31. Every morning, the alarm wakes me up. (olckc)

32. That’s my ideal . A nice bed and a nice sofa are in it. (moroebd)

33. Can you see the on the table? You can write things down on it. (kboteono) 34. — Where is my keys?

— They are in the d . (rawred)

IV. 单项选择(5分)

( ) 35. — Where the books?

— on the desk.. A. is; It is B. are; It is C. are; They

are D. is; They are

( ) 36. Can you a pencil sharpener back to me when you go shopping?

A. take B. bring C. get

D. have

( ) 37. Are my CDs on the dresser? Sorry, .

A. it isn’t B. I know C. it is D. I don’t know

( ) 38. Can you these things to me? I need it.

A. take B. took C. bring D. brought

( ) 39. Tommy is ill(病了). Let’s him to the hospital(医院).

A. bring B. take C. need D. spell

V. 补全对话,每空一词(10分)

40. A: ________ ___________my math book? B: Is it on the desk? A: No, _______ ________. B: Let me see. Is it on the bed? A: Yes, it _______. Thank you. 41.

A: __________ my books in your backpack?

B: No, _______ _______. Sorry, I left them at home (留在家里了) .

A: Can you ___________ them back to me this afternoon? I need them.

B: Ok.

A: ___________.

VI. 将下列句子按正确的顺序重新排列,将序号填在下面的横线上(10分)

A. But I need it. Help me, mom! B. Is it on the floor?

C. It’s not on the floor. Is it on the table? D. Thanks, mom!

E. You’d better(最好) look after your things next time! F. Then I don’t know. I can’t help you. G. Mom, where is my baseball? H. Oh, it is here, under the sofa! I. No, it isn’t.

J. No. I can’t see it on the table. 42.

VII. 阅读短文,选择正确答案或判断正误(5分) A

This is Tom’s room. It’s not big but clean. Look!

There is a bed under the window. Near the bed, there is a dresser. On the dresser, there is a beautiful clock. In the dresser, there are some CDs. Under the bed, there is a football. Tom likes playing football with his friends. There is also a desk and a chair near the bed. Tom usually does his homework there. You can see his pencil case, pens and books on it. Where is his backpack? Oh, it’s near the desk. There is also a CD player on the desk. On the wall, there are some pictures. Tom likes these pictures very much. Tom thinks it’s his ideal room, What about yours? 43. 选择正确的图或答案(4分) A.

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