【优质】iOS艺术类游戏Prune:精简唯美来袭-word范文模板 (1页)



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\And it ' s unlike any game you ' ve ever played .

修剪艺术& ldquo ; Prune 现在是苹果应用商店里最火的一款游戏,而它极具特色,与你之前玩过的任何一款游戏都不一样。

Your objective is to help shape your tree as it grows closer to the sun , pruning away branches with simple swipes to avoid obstacles . It ' s a simple premise , but with gorgeous visuals and a zen [2] soundtrack , it ' s an extremely addictive experience .

玩家的目标是在树木越发向日生长时,为它塑形。玩家可以通过(在屏幕上的)轻松划动来修剪树枝,避开障碍物。这款游戏的设想很简单。不过唯美的视觉效果搭配上充满禅意的背景乐,能让玩家极其爱不释手。 & nbsp ; & nbsp ;

Prune was created by Joel McDonald , a 31- year - old developer based in Madison , Wisconsin . In an interview with Tech Insider , McDonald said he was inspired by a tweet , which described how people could generate realistic - looking trees in the multiplatform game engine called Unity . But he said it \tree in a field , its branches splayed out in all directions .\住在威斯康星州麦迪逊31岁乔尔& middot ;麦克唐纳是一位游戏开发者,修剪艺术 Prune 便是他的作品。在接受 Tech Insider 的采访时,麦克唐纳表示他的灵感来源于一条推特。那条推特描述了人们如何在一个名叫协作( Unity )的多平台游戏引擎上生成现实感十足的树木。然而麦克唐纳说& ldquo ;当我点击界面中一棵半弯的树时,它的树枝会向四面八方伸展开去。

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