

How often do you exercise?

Section A

I. 看图回答问题。

What do you usually do on weekends?

1. I often go out for a trip. 2. I often ___________.

3. I often ___________. 4. I often ___________.

5. I often ___________. 6. I often ___________.

7. I often ___________. 8. I often ___________.

9. I often ___________. 10. I often ___________.

II. 将下列单词译为中文,并且根据词义按照“发生次数的多少”由多到少排列出来。

hardly; sometimes; always; ever; often; usually; never _____________________________________________________________ 100%_____________________________________________________ 0% III. 单项填空:

1. Can you _______here a little longer?

A. stay B. stays C. staying D. to stay 2. Milk is good _____ our ______. A. to; healthy B. to; health C. for; healthy D. for; health

3. Thank you very much for ______us so well. A. teach B. teaching C. teaches D. taught

4. Let us talk about the difference ______Chinese and English names. A. on B. of C. between D. with 5. Is her lifestyle _______ yours or different?

A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to 6. Here are some flowers _____you ____our good wishes.

A. for; to B. for; with C. to; for D. of; to

7. Mr Green is going to ______to us in the next room this afternoon. A. talk about B. talk with C. talk to D. give a talk

8. I want you to say _________ about this subject. A. anything new B. new anything C. something new D. new something

9. Wel e back_______.

A. for home B. to home C. at home D. home

10. What time _____your mother ______her breakfast? A. does; have B. does; has C. do; have D. do; has IV. 完成对话。

A: Do you like _____1.____(看电视)? B: Yes, I like it _____2.______(非常). A: ____3._____(多久一次)do you watch TV? B: I watch TV ____4.______(每天).

A: What’s your_____5._______(最喜欢的节目)? B: It’s ____6._______(动物世界). A: How often do you watch it?

B: I watch it ______7.______ (一周一次或者两次).

Section B

I. 对话填空,每空一词,词的第一个字母已经给出。 A: Hi, Mary. You look so h____1.___! B: Thank you. I often drink m___2.____. A: How o___3.___ do you drink milk? B: I drink milk almost every d___4._____. A: Do you l___5.___ it? B: Yes, I like it very m___6.___. A: W___7.___ do you like it so much?

B: My mother says it’s g___8.___ for my health. And I also t____9.___ so. II. 连词组句,并且译为中文。

1. often, to, she, the, goes, movie

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