




部 门:__________________

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弈秋是全国最善于下围棋的人。让弈秋教导两个人下围棋,其中一人专心致志的学习,只听弈秋的教导;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的教导,却一心以为有天鹅要飞来,想要拉弓箭去把它射下来。1 / 5



1.—Excuse me, could you please tell me where the __C__ is? I want to wash my hand.

—Go along and turn right when you see a bookstore.It's on your right.

A.museumB.library C.restroomD.mall

2.WeChat makes it __B__ for us to get in touch with each other.

A.inexpensive B.convenient C.possible D.difficult

3.The teacher advised his parents to talk with him __C__ person.

A.forB.with C.inD.of

4.Some people think that England and Scotland __A__ a better understanding of each other.They belong to one family.

A.requireB.review C.receiveD.regard

弈秋是全国最善于下围棋的人。让弈秋教导两个人下围棋,其中一人专心致志的学习,只听弈秋的教导;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的教导,却一心以为有天鹅要飞来,想要拉弓箭去把它射下来。2 / 5


5.Peter likes pop music, but __C__ his father______his mother likes it.

A.both; andB.not only; but also C.neither; norD.either; or Ⅱ.词形转换

1.James looked tired, for he listened to three __speeches__ this morning. (speech)

2.Our teachers and parents will be __proud__ of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves. (pride)

3.My father is used to __sitting__ with his friends under the big tree. (sit)

4.Usually, you will make a __introduction__ about yourself to the class. (introduce)

5.Asking the way __directly__ is impolite in Asian countries. (direct)

6.Books are always __helpful__ for us because we can learn a lot from them.(help)

7.Many people prefer talking with native English __speakers__ so that they can improve their spoken English.(speak)

8.If you treat everyone you meet __politely__, you'll get respect.(polite)

弈秋是全国最善于下围棋的人。让弈秋教导两个人下围棋,其中一人专心致志的学习,只听弈秋的教导;另一个人虽然也在听弈秋的教导,却一心以为有天鹅要飞来,想要拉弓箭去把它射下来。3 / 5

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