
学校代码: 10128 学 号: 201320201007


题目:基于android平台的数字移动乐游戏 学生姓名:李乐峰 学院:信息工程学院 班级:计算机13-1班









Based on the android platform of digital mobile games


Today, based on the android platform game has slowly infiltrated each person's life, plays a more and more important role. so to speak, with the rapid development of Internet, mobile phone games is not only a simple diversion, a form of entertainment for people, it has become a trend, a kind of culture, just as we cannot leave a mobile phone now, almost every phone people download a game.

Based on the number of the android platform game - 2048, it is a puzzle games, more interesting and entertaining and educational. Educational games help to develop the human brain, through the brain to get the victory of the game. Such access to knowledge through entertainment, accomplish the learning in the entertainment, entertainment.

This article through to the preliminary research on the digital game based on android platform, determine the development of a 2048 game. Games mainly realizes the user login through registration after entering the game interface, and then to the left, right, up, down, the same card in addition, to obtain the corresponding score at the end of the game, at the same time as you can see their own history, and the ranking function, through these function, makes the users in today under the pressure of society, have a relaxed feeling.


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