
smiled with relief(宽慰).

The next day, the fox followed the same road, hoping to find more food. When he came to the tree, he d 69 to climb up to try his luck.

When the birds returned from the river, they discovered that this time, the fox had eaten up all their eggs.

“Oh! We got rid of(除掉)one enemy only to get another,” cried the bird to his wife.

Sometimes one pays for what he has done.

D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (共6分)

Last Friday I called a taxi. When I got into it, I was busy looking for something in my bag so I didn’t pay any attention to the driver. I just said, “Please go right now! I’m in a hurry!”

A voice replied, “Yes, madam!”

To my surprise, I heard a gentle female voice. I looked up at the driver. That was a lady of about thirty. I had travelled in taxis many times, but it was my first time to see a young lady driver!

The car was running smoothly. The driver was driving perfectly well. I looked around, it was clean and nice-smelt. Then I had my eye on the driver again. She was dressed tidily, with clean straight hair.

I was curious(好奇的)about why such a young lady had chosen this job, so I started a talk, “If you don’t mind, can I ask you some questions?”

“Yes, madam, no problem.”

“I guess you’ve received good education(教育).”

“Yes, madam, I have done my MBA course.”

“Oh, wow! Why did you choose this job then? Why don’t you go for a business?” I could see her face in the front mirror. She smiled and told me why.

“To get better education means to have more chances to choose,” very politely, she said, “I choose a job to bring me satisfaction(满足感). I have been quite interested in driving since I was a child. I received offers from big companies but I preferred this one. I don’t mind if a job is good enough in other people’s eyes. Although I can’t earn much money from this job, I love driving. I have realized my childhood dream. That’s it!”

70. When did the story happen? 71. How old was the taxi driver?

72. When the writer said the underlined words (“Why did you choose this job then?

Why don’t you go for a business?”), how did she feel? 73. Why did the young lady choose this job?

74. The lady always wanted to be a driver. Do you think she wasted time and money on her education? Why or why not?(2分)

VII. Writing (写话) (共18分) A. 75. 76.

Translation(翻译)(共4分) 突然,我朋友注意到她的钱包不见了。


B.77.Write at least 60 words based on the following situation(根据以下情景,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)(共14分)

八年级第一批新团员(league member)和团干部即将在入团积极分子中产生。你认为你们班的某位同学品学兼优、全面发展,可以成为一名光荣的共青团员,请为他/她写一封推荐信。


Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共25分):

A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分)

1. It is fun to have a pen friend.(C) 2. My brother’s hobby is playing chess. (F)

3. My father says I can attend a baseball club if I study harder. (A) 4. Miss Trump is busy. She’s making a phone call to her manager. (G) 5. The two boys look quite similar to each other. Are they twins? (B)

6. Many people nowadays like buying gifts for their family and friends when they are travelling. (E)

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共7分)

7. M: Mom, this is my school report.

W: Oh, you got an A grade in Chinese! Good boy! Q: In which subject did the boy get an A grade? (B) 8. W: Why do you look worried? What’s going on? M: The test is coming but I can’t find my notebook. Q: Why does the boy look worried? (C) 9. M: Wow! A nice photo! Where are you?

W: We’re at Disneyland. Look, we’re waiting for the firework show. Q: What’s the girl doing in the photo? (D)

10. W: I’d like to be a violinist in the future. What’s your ambition, Jim? M: My parents want me to be a manager in their company, but I’d like to work as a teacher.

Q: What would Jim like to be? (A)

11. M: Can I ask you for dinner tonight, Katy?

W: Well, Lance asked me the same question just now, and I said yes. Q: What does Katy mean? (D)

12. M: Do you think this blue tie matches my shirt? Or that grey one?

W: The blue one is perfect for your shirt. You have a very good taste, sir. M: Haha…You’re quite good at selling things. O.K. I’ll take it. Q: What are the two speakers? (B)

13. W: It’s convenient here. The supermarket is just opposite the street. M: Yes. And the school is ten minutes’ walk, so we don’t have to pick up the kids.

W: The car park in this estate is big enough, too. I like here. Q: What are the two speakers talking about? (D)

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共6分)

One day, my wife and I went shopping. We drove the car as we had a lot of things to buy, because my brother and his family were going to come and spend the weekend with us.

We parked the car next to the shopping mall. Two hours later we came back to the car. Both of us carried a lot of things. We were so tired that the only thing we wanted was to hurry home. Then the trouble started. We could not open the door of the car.

“Oh dear,” said my wife, “what are we going to do?” “Let’s ask that policeman.” I said.

The policeman was very kind and was glad to help us. A few minutes later, he got the door open. We thanked him and was about to leave.

Just at that moment, an angry man came up and shouted. “What are you doing with my car?”

We took another look at the car, and our face turned red. It was almost the

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