
what is the signal from the ship?

The ship require immediate assistance.

25.What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat?

There should be a medicine box of each boat. And check regularly, if necessary, renew them in time.

26.If you have no rockets, flags, signals or radio, how can you indicate to a ship in sight that you need assistance?

During day time, use gesture or smoke, and at night, use fire flame. 27.If the anchor is reported dragging, what would be your first action? Drop another anchor.



1. Please describe the outline of Port State Control.

(1)the Port State Control is based on the provisions of the applicable conventions. The parties may conduct inspections of foreign ships in their ports. PSCO may inspect the ship, its equipments or its crew whether complying with the requirements of the relevant conventions or the master or crew members whether familiar with essential shipboard procedures relating to the safety of ships or the prevention of pollution. (2)When deficiencies are found in the PSC inspection, actions may be taken:

① Deficiencies must be rectified.

② A more detail inspection may be conducted. When the condition

of the ship, its equipment, or its crew does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the certificates, a more detail inspection maybe conducted by the PSCO. ③ Ship may be detained and not allowed to sail.

If some serious defects were founded, or the deficiencies have posed a threat to the safety of life or the condition of the ship, its equipment, or its crew does not correspond substantially with the applicable conventions, art, if proceed to sea, will present a danger to the ship or pe

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