上海市建平中学、交通大学附属中学高三上学期周练英语试题 Word版含答案


II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A (10%)

Directions: After reading the sentences or passages below, fill in the blanks to make the sentences or passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each other. The world’s (1)__________(famous)heart surgeon, the Egyptian Professor, Sir Magdi Yacoub, has transplanted more hearts than anyone else. To the countless people whose lives he has transformed and saved, he is a hero. Professor Yacoub (2)_____________(inspire) in his work by his father, who was a general surgeon.

Now 66 years old, professor Yacoub still retains his energy and extraordinary enthusiasm for his career. For 43 years, he has dealt with desperate patients(3)__________combination pf poor diet, inactive lifestyle and stress overload have caused them to ask for his help.(4)_________ ___________all these experiences, he is very aware of the role of good nutrition and regular exercise in maintaining good health. He eats very well and swims early each morning.

Professor Yacoub’s life is always hectic(狂热的). (5)____________a donor heart has suddenly been found, then an operation has to take place quickly. He works long hours; he says there are no regular hours for a heart surgeon, as the surgery _________take place when it needs to be carried out.

For relaxation, professor Yacoub enjoys (7)___________(garden) even grows orchids, One dream of his is to go to the Amazon one day(8)________(see) the rare plants there. He is patron of the Chain of Hope charity, which aims to take medical expense to the developing world. Specialist teams give their time free and travel all over the world to places such as Mozambique and Jamaica to train local surgeons in techniques that (9)________ (save) lives .This charity also brings needy children to the West (10)___________necessary heart surgery.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.


A. attached B. contribution C. handicapped D. monitor E. practical F. possessions G. procedures H. professions I. resistant J. terminals K. unrelated Valuable By-Products of Space Research

Research that went into developing the highly specialized technology for space travel has resulted in many unexpected 21 applications back on earth. Out of the engineering that produced rocket motor, space suits, and other necessities of space flight came by products that no one had anticipated. Equipment and 22 designed for use in medicine, industry, and the home, these valuable by products of space research, called spin offs, have improved the quality of life on earth in many ways.

Some of the best-known examples of spin-offs from space research are found in hospitals and doctors' offices. One such example is the sight switch, which was originally developed to allow astronauts to control their spacecraft without using their hands. It is now used by 23 people to operate devices using eye movements.

Doctors have also benefited from the technology required to make electronic instruments small enough and durable enough for trips into space. From this technology have come hearing aids the size of an aspirin and television cameras small enough to be 24 to a surgeon's head to give medical students a close-up view of an operation.

Biotelemetry, which was developed to 25 the physical signs of astronauts by checking their temperature, brain-wave activity, breathing rate, and heartbeat, offers doctors a new means of monitoring hospital patients. Biosensors attached to the body send data by wire or radio. This information is displayed on 26 for doctors to analyze.

One of the most valuable 27 of aerospace technology to industry is a management technique called the systems approach. With the aid of computers, this technique brings together all the elements of a complex project, including people,

money, and materials, to assure that everything is completed at the optimum time. It has been applied to a variety of situations 28 to space exploration. Among them are cancer research, hospital design, city planning, crime detection, pollution control, building construction, and transportation.

The experience gained from developing NASA spacesuits was applied to the process of designing clothing for use in other 29 . Firefighters now have lighter and special fire blocking materials that are more 30 to cracking and burning. Spacers used for cushioning in moon boots were adapted for use in athletic shoes that are designed to reduce fatigue and injury.


A. application B. content C. essential D. estimates E. evaluation F. finance G. negative H. increasingly I. refusal J. underlines K. marvelously If your parents take out a loan, remind them to make the payments on time. Otherwise it will become a(n) 31 record in their personal credit reports, which are playing a(n) 32 big role in people's daily lives. A story carried by Chongqing Morning Post in June, 33 this trend.

According to the report, a Chongqing student borrowed money from the bank to 34 his university studies. After he graduated in 2005, he went to work in Shenzhen. Later, he wanted to buy a house using loans. But several banks turned down his loan 35 . The reason was that he had not paid back 1,500 yuan he borrowed from a bank when he was at university.

A personal credit rating is becoming a(n) 36 “pass” in everyday life, as China establishes a nationwide credit database. Personal credit systems go back 150 years. In developed countries, enterprises and banks use them to decide whether or not to loan money or do other business with a person.

A credit report 37 the credit worthiness of an individual, a company, or even a country. It is a(n) 38 made by credit bureaus of a borrower's overall credit history and his or her ability to repay debt. A poor credit rating means a high risk of defaulting on a loan, and thus leads to the 39 of a loan by the

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