武汉大学 测绘学院
2015-2016学年度第二学期期末考试 《大地测量学基础》(双语教学)课程试卷(A)
出题者 审核人 学院审核人 班级2014级测绘工程卓越班
School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University. Final Examination of the 2nd Term,
2015-2016. Course Title: FOUNDATION OF GEODESY. Question paper (A) Notes: The questions in Section I, II and III should be answered in English. Section I: Definitions (total 30 points, 3 points each).
Describe the following terms in one or two sentences. You can use sketches where appropriate, if you wish.
1. deflection of plumb line 2. CGCS2000
3. Earth’s Procession 4. Sidereal Time 5. Geodetic Height 6. IGS 7. UTM 8. IAG
9. Atmospheric Vertical Refraction for Trigonometric Height 10. Traverse
Section II: Single choice questions (total 20 points, 4 points each) Please choose the most correct answer.
1. The major meteorological parameters to calculate the correction for EDM measurements are
A. slope angle, distance, station height B. Sun, Moon, Earth
C. dry temperature, wet temperature, pressure D. ocean tide, sea surface, gravity
2. The normal height is referenced to
A. the ellipsoid B. the geoid
C. the mean sea level D. the Quasi-Geoid
3. The UTC is counted by
A. Atomic Clocks
B. the diurnal motion of the Earth C. the rotation of the Earth D. the motion of the Sun
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4. The value of the gravity of the Earth is the biggest at
A. the equator of the Earth B. the pole of the Earth
C. at latitude 45 degree of the Earth D. at the center of the Earth
5. The national geodetic height control networks in China are divided into
A. two orders B. three orders C. four orders D. five orders
Section III: Equation development(total 20 points, 10 points each)
1. Let
W?1?e2sin2B and V?1?e'2cos2B, prove W?1?e2?V
dx2?dy2MdB22. Denote r?NcosB and dq?prove m?2 22NcosB,??r?dq?dl? here, m is the scale factor of map projection, dx and dy are the small changing of the grid
coordinates x and y, dl is the small changing of geodetic latitude.
Section IV: 大地测量程序设计 (共15分)
X2?Y2H??NcosB已知由(X,Y,Z)计算(B,L,H)的公式为:?ZB?arctan?22??X?YYL?arctanXa?1, N??N??2221?esinB?1?e??N?H????编写根据(X,Y,Z)计算对应的大地坐标(B,L,H)的计算机程序代码,具体要求是完成如下的标记
double a,f,e,M,N,B,L,H,X,Y,Z; double B0; a=6378137;
f=1/298.257223563; e=sqrt(2*f-f*f); X=-1831424.2867 ; Y= 5031796.8732 ; Z= 3454122.0329 ;
//完成如下的由(X,Y,Z)计算(B,LH)的程序代码 { .....
printf(\ .9 lf .4lf\\n\}
Section V: 阐述题(共15分)
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