王长喜老师 专八听力周计划 第二周(听力会话)星期二

学英语 找长喜

星期2 Tuesday 6


今日讲堂 会话部分800多词的对话内容,只设5道题。信息量如此之大,考生往往难以把握,给答题也增加了难度。因此,我们通过对历年真题的分析与统计,总结出以下7大设题点,使考生在听的时候,有主有次,有的放矢,重点注意这些设题点,快速准确答题。 一、会话开头

会话的开头部分一般都会引出会话的主题,比较容易设主旨题或细节题,主要考查对会话主题或所涉及场景的把握。 【例1】(07-1) 1. According to Nigel, most problems of air W: Nigel Linge is editor of Business Travel travel are caused by Weekly. Nigel, thanks for being on the [A] unfavorable weather conditions. show. Now, what kind of problems do [B] airports’ handling capacity. airline passengers face nowadays? [C] inadequate ticketing service. M: Well, most of the problems are caused by [D] overbooking. the heavy volume of traffic. You know, all airports have a limit to the number of take-offs and landings they can handle. 【分析】选[B]。录音一开始女士在介绍完男士后,就问男士“乘飞机的旅客如今都面临着什么样的问题”,男士回答说“大多数问题是由交通流量大造成的”。接着进一步阐释说“所有的机场对飞机的起飞和降落次数设限”。这说明机场有限的吞吐量给旅客带来了问题,故[B]为答案。


会话结尾往往会涉及会话双方的态度、建议或决定等总结性的内容,而且经常能够进一步体现会话的主题及场景,也是出题者设题时考虑的重点。 【例2】(05-5) 5. The only popular belief that Professor McKay is unable to provide evidence against is [A] old-age sickness. [B] loose family ties. [C] poor mental abilities. [D] difficulties in maths. M: What about the group who studied mathematics? W: Well, that’s a different story. There seems to be no doubt that people find maths more difficult as they grow older. Though, why this is so, I cannot say. 【分析】选[D]。教授做了两组实验,一组学习英语,一组学习数学,在会话结尾当主持人问到数学组的情况时,教授回答随着年龄增加,人们发现数学学起来越来越困难,虽然她也不知道为何如此,因此答案为[D]。


会话中经常会涉及到表示并列、转折、因果等逻辑关系的短语或句式,因果、转折等逻辑关系处,这些地方也很受出题人的青睐。 【例3】(08-1)



学英语 找长喜 1. Mary doesn't seem to favour the idea of a new airport because [A] the existing airports are to be wasted. [B] more people will be encouraged to travel. [C] more oil will be consumed. [D] more airplanes will be purchased. W: Well, my real objection to this idea of a new airport is, is the whole thing is so wasteful. I mean, we know we’re currently in fuel crisis, we know that we’ve got to conserve oil and fuel and all the rest of it. And yet here the government seems quite deliberately to be encouraging people to,…to travel, to use, and these jets use a heck of a lot of oil — I mean, it takes a ton of oil, a ton of petrol before one of these big jets even takes off. 【分析】选[C]。女士在提到修建新机场时明确指出自己的观点the whole thing is so wasteful,接着以I mean解释自己有如此看法的原因,目前正面临fuel crisis,我们应该conserve oil and fuel,而飞机的使用会消耗大量原油,这正是Mary反对修建机场的原因,故答案为[C]。


会话中常出现举列或列举的地方也常常是设题的重点,尤其是涉及列举的地方往往是Except,Incorrect题型的设题热点,因此听音时听到such as, two, three,the first, the second, for example等信息词时,应多加留意。 【例4】(05-3) 3. According to Professor McKay's report, M: Do you find that young people these days [A] family love is gradually disappearing. are not as concerned about their parents as [B] it is hard to comment on family feeling. their parents were about theirs? [C] more children are indifferent to their W: We have found nothing that suggests that parents. family feeling is either dying or dead. There [D] family love remains as strong as ever. do not appear to be large numbers of young people who are trying, for example, to have their dear old mother locked up in a mental hospital. 【分析】选[D]。当主持人问到当今年轻人是否不像父母关心他们那样去关心父母,教授说没有证据表明家庭感情正在消失或已经不复存在,并以for example举例说明也没有出现把老母亲锁在精神病院的情况,故答案为[D]。


会话中比较对比处涉及到的是两事物或多事物,客观上能够引起考生的思维混乱,所以容易成为考试的设题点。 【例5】(10-4) 4. During the interview Dr Johnson indicates that [A] greater racial diversity exists among younger populations. [B] both older and younger populations are racially diverse. [C] age diversity could lead to pension problems. [D] older populations are more racially diverse. M: Most of the populations having the greatest racial diversity are younger on average than the populations with greater Caucasian representation. 【分析】[A]、[B]、[D]三项均说的是younger populations和older populations中,民族差www.beiwen.com


学英语 找长喜 异的比较,三项互相矛盾并涉及所有可能的情况,故其中之一为答案,[C]项可直接排除。根据“大多数有着最大民族差异性的人群要比有着较大的白人比例的人群年轻”可以反向推出,年轻的人群中民族差异现象更为明显,故[A]为答案。


会话中出现年代、时间、价格等数字信息的地方,也经常被作为设题的一个重点,但要注意,一般都是考查与数字相关的其他细节信息,而单纯考查数字的题目并不常见。 【例6】(10-3) 3. According to Dr Johnson, which place will witness a radical change in its racial makeup by 2025? [A] Maine. [B] Selinsgrove. [C] Philadelphia. [D] California. M: ]From 1990 to 2000, California’s Caucasian population — meaning non-Hispanic whites — declined from 57% to 48%. By 2025, it is predicted, that figure will drop to just 34%, which indicates a future change in the racial composition of California. On the contrary, Maine’s Caucasian population was 98% of its total population throughout the 1990s. And by 2025, Maine’s population will still be 97% Caucasian, which means virtually no change in Maine’s racial diversity over the next 20 or so years. 【分析】录音中提到加利福尼亚州在1990-2000年间,白人人口比例从57%降到48%,预计到2025年会降至34%,而缅因州的白人人口比例在整个90年代保持在98%,到2025年会达到97%,几乎未发生变化。因此加利福尼亚州在2025年之前人种变化是最大的,答案选[D]。 今日练习 Interview

1. Why did the woman choose the family as a focus for her cartoon drawing? [A] Because she feels frustrated with her family life. [B] Because family is always important to her. [C] Because it is familiar and meaningful to her. [D] Because it is the only topic she knows.

2. How did she feel when she signed her first contract? [A] She was thrilled. [B] She was worried. [C] She felt nervous.

[D] She had a complicated feeling.

3. Which of the following is NOT a concern of her daughter, a teenager today? [A] Study.

[B] Appearance. [C] Friendship.



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