江苏省兴化一中高一英语 下学期 第12周周末练习


一、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. Children should not benefit from the wealth they have done nothing to . A. stimulate participate

2. The Olympic village is fantastic and absolutely . Athletes have never had such good conditions as they have here. A. unsuccessful C. unbearable

B. uninteresting

B. accumulate C. calculate D.

D. unbelievable

3. Tonight the top leader will host a dinner in the East Room the visit of Stephen Hawking. A. in memory of C. in celebration of

B. in defense of

D. in touch of

4. Everyone can imagine how it is to be shouted at by a stranger in your own class.

A. embarrassed thrilling

5. What’s funny about this is that the candidate’s attackers are bringing up as a negative.

A. punishment B. discouragement

C. depression

D. ambition

B. embarrassing C. thrilled


6. — Hello, Emily. Welcome to in the debate on the environment protection. — Oh, well. I’d like to, but I’ve been kept as busy as a bee right now. A. take B. participate

C. succeed

D. fill

7. Rather than fleeing the market entirely, individual investors are to a new set of realities.

A. adapted B. addicted C. adjusting

D. accustomed

8. If you forget to at a public computer, your virtual life may be open for any passer-by to read.

A. log off B. put off

C. set off

D. knock off

9. I don’t care what you say. I’m going to do it . A. hence

B. thus C. nevertheless

D. anyway

10. — Tony, how do you like the 29th Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony? — Ah, fabulous, marvelous and there are also many unexpected in it. A. excitements B. fireworks

C. scroll paintings D. block words

11. One of the best ways to make exercise a daily is to find one or more companions who will join in activities with you. A. report

B. life C. habit

D. news

12. They started today with high spirits, high confidence and high , but ended the day stunned and

disappointed, in deep trouble. A. efficiency expectations

13. The plan now goes to the City Council, which is expected to modify(修改) it before giving the final .

A. bonus B. approval

C. competitor

D. trial

B. heels C. charges


14. He didn’t hear the teacher at all in the maths class. He slept . A. with his eyes open C. like a log

B. as an escape

D. with a light on

15. you change your mind, no one blame you. A. Should; would C. Would; would

B. If; might

D. Only if; could

二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

I chose to study after getting married. I have recently 16 my college degree. The last project before graduation was called “Smile”.

The class was asked to go out and 17 at three people and record their reactions. I am a very 18 person and always smile at everyone, so, I thought, this would be 19 .

My husband and I went to a 20 one March morning. We were standing in line, waiting to be 21 , when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did. A feeling of 22 filled me and I turned to see why they had 23 .

As I turned around I smelled a 24 “dirty body” smell, and there standing 25 me were two homeless men. As I looked down at the 26 gentleman, he was smiling. His beautiful blue eyes were full of 27 as he searched for acceptance and said, “Good day.”

I felt 28 for them and held my tears as I stood there with them. They only asked for one hamburger 29 that was all they could afford and they just wanted to find a warm place to stay. Then I really felt that I almost reached out and hugged the little man. That was when I 30 all the eyes there were set on me, 31 my every action.

I 32 two more breakfast meals and then walked towards the table that the men had chosen as a(n) 33 place.

I put the food on the table. He was very 34 , smiled with tears in his eyes, and said, “Thank you.” I answered, “Your smile is the best 35 for me.” 16. A. completed B. found 17. A. look

B. smile

C. dropped D. continued C. shout D. wave C. ambitious D. friendly C. necessary D. different C. restaurant D. hospital C. informed

D. discovered

18. A. considerate B. serious 19. A. familiar 20. A. station 21. A. served 22. A. pain 23. A. waited 24. A. horrible 25. A. under 26. A. stupid 27. A. pity

B. simple B. school B. arranged B. regret B. stood B. common B. behind B. ugly B. happiness

C. panic D. anger C. sat D. moved C. dangerous D. strange C. above D. opposite C. old D. short C. kindness D. understanding C. fearful D. delighted C. when D. but C. minded D. imagined C. attacking D. judging C. collected D. sold

B. resting C. waiting D. debating

28. A. satisfied B. sorry 29. A. because 30. A. heard

B. if B. noticed

31. A. discussing B. repeating 32. A. ordered

B. finished

33. A. entertaining 34. A. cheerful 35. A. goal

B. grateful C. respectful D. helpful B. symbol

C. gift D. task




“Everyone in our office is Mormon except Sally and you,” said Randy, another

intern(实习医生) in our office. Even in our apartment, my roommate is quite a sincere

Mormon. She has been a missionary(传教士) for one year and a half.

We have made many new friends since we came here. Most of them are Mormons. I feel we are in a Mormon world now.

Well, I think many Chinese might not know Mormons. It refers to people who believe in Mormonism, a kind of religion which belongs to Christian. Mormon is their nickname. They have many good rules, such as no smoking, no alcohol drinking and no shopping on Sundays, etc.

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