
15. The Royalty rates indicated in Attachment of Contract shall be applicable for five years following the date of receipt of the technology, after which, they will be reduced by 1% per annum. 按合同附件规定的提成费应从得到该项技术之日起执行5年以后,每年递减1% 16. In addition to the payments under the preceding paragraph, Employer will make commission payments to the Employee based on 2.50% of gross sales. This commission will be paid monthly on the last day of the following month. 除前一条款中提到的酬劳外,聘方将以毛销售额的2.50%支付给受聘方作为佣金。这笔佣金每月支付一次,在次月的最后一天支付

17. The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5 percent, compared with

the same period of last year.



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