高中英语备课 语音知识课时作业 Module 2 外研版必修2

高一英语备课 语音知识课时作业 Module 2 外研版必修2

Ⅰ.语音知识 1.foolish A.|′fuliC.|′fulit2.bargain A.|′baC.|′ba3.admit A.|C.|




d′mit| d′mi


gin| d



gin| din|

| B.|′fu|



| |


4.belong A.|bi′lC.|bi


| |



| |

5.responsibility A.|ri′ spC.|′ri′ spⅡ.情景对话

M:Sir,did I do anything wrong?

W:__6__You ran through the stop sign.May I see your driver license,please?

M:Oh,I’m sorry,I didn’t see the stop sign at the corner.__7__ W:That doesn’t justify your violation.__8__

M:__9__I don’t have it on me.Honestly,I forgot it back at the house.But I have the insurance policy with me.Here it is.


ti| B.|ri′ spti| D.|ri′ sp



ti| ′ti|

W:__10__I’ll come back in a moment. A.May I see your license,please? B.What can I do for you? C.Yes,sir.

D.Please wait here,sir. E.Oh,sorry sir. F.I didn’t mean it.

G.What a pity!You are wrong. Ⅲ.单项填空

11.Liu Hulan would rather________in face of the enemy. A.die than to give in B.die than giving in C.die than give in

D.have died than have given in

12.When the old man got home,he found that the house had been________and a lot of things had been stolen.

A.broken out C.broken into

B.broken up D.broken off

13.Oh,it’s you,my dear friend.I________you at first sight.Where have you been these years?

A.didn’t recognize C.haven’t recognized

B.hadn’t recognized D.don’t recognize

14.—I think smoking in public places is very bad.

—________.Smoking in public will make non-smokers uncomfortable. A.All right

C.That’s all right

B.I disagree with you D.I couldn’t agree more

15.—There is________on smoking in this theatre.

—Do you mean smoking________in this theatre? A.a ban;is banned C.a ban;banned

B.ban;banned D.ban;is banned

16.Forests are being cut and burned at________a speed________they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A.such;as C.so;that

B.such;that D.so;as

17.Computer games are easily________to children,and many senior high students are also________to them.

A.addicted;addictive C.addicted;addicted

B.addictive;addicted D.addictive;addictive

18.The police broke into the room and searched the room,only________nothing.

A.finding C.to find

B.to be found D.found

19.Working for the country,one must learn to ________ all his knowledge with the whole scientific world.

A.spare C.share

B.give D.devote

20.No matter how hard it is,the strong-willed mother will never________the hope to find her lost son.

A.hold up C.hold back

B.give up D.give back

21.Never laugh at people who have so many dreams,because the future________those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

A.looks forward to C.belongs to

B.comes over to D.happens to

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