

毕 业 设 计(论 文)


姓 名 学 号 系 部 专 业 年 级 指导教师





关键词: 单片机 超声波传感器 电子罗盘 红外线热释电传感器

松耦合变压器 步进电机



Automatic cleaner mobile robot technology and vacuum technology organically fuses and realize the indoor environment (ground) or automatic, semi-automatic cleaning to replace the traditional manual cleaning work hard at home and abroad in recent years, the research has been seriously. As intelligent mobile robot is a special applications, technically speaking, intelligence autonomous cleaner is concretely embodies the key techniques of the mobile robot, strong representation. From the Angle of market prospect, independent cleaner will greatly reduce the labor intensity, improve work efficiency, suitable for family and public venues indoor cleaning. So the development of independent intelligent cleaner is challenging, and research on the broad market prospect.

Using the principle of the ultrasonic ranging, through the forward direction, and receive launch ultrasonic pulse corresponding returns on wall, sonic pulse judgment; etc. Through the controller based on singlechip of ultrasonic transmission and reception for the control and processing in the back pulse signal, selected based on the corresponding control strategy, Through the actuator two stepper motor driving wheel drive, walking, so as to achieve the function such as steering,

Pyroelectric infrared sensors through to people's activities, reduce the influence of vacuum cleaner to walk. While walking in the vacuum cleaner, by its own small parts, and carry on the dust of the ground through the necessary dust cleaning. When the vacuum cleaner power shortage, it will be looking for charging plug the ir, find the charging its tail loose coupling transformer near the plug realize charging. When the battery electric full automatic return after the unfinished tasks.

Keywords : SCM Ultrasonic sensors Electronic compass Heat-releasing infrared sensors

Loose coupling transformer Stepping motor


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