
C. The boss of the hotel told the young man about it. A. By air.

B. By bus.

D. The president’s wife told the young man about it. C. By train.

D. On foot.

57. How did the young man travel to Washington with his friend? 58. What can we infer from the passage? A. The young man’s family was always poor B. The hotel cost was rather expensive at that time

C. The young man never kept in touch with the president again

D. The young man learned a lesson from his experience with the president 59. How did people first get to know the story of the president with the young man? A. From the president himself. C. From the young man’s notes. 60. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Money can be given up when necessary.

B. People should be forgiven(原谅)for their mistakes. C. Everyone can become better after an unusual experience. D. An act of kindness may change a person’s life.


Your brain controls everything you do. It makes it possible for you to think, learn, create and feel; to blink(眨眼) and breathe and for your heart to heat –this fantastic control center is your brain. It is so amazing that a famous scientist once called it “the most complex(复杂) thing we have yet discovered in our universe”.

Can this small grey organ(器官), which weighs less than one and a half kilos, really do so

much? Amazingly, your brain contains about 100 billion neurons(神经元) -it would take you over 3 ,000 years to count them all. Believe it or not, the activity in your brain never stops. Your neurons create and send more messages than all the phones in the world. And although one neuron creates only a little electricity, all your neurons together can produce enough electricity to power a light bulb (灯泡).

So exactly how fast does your brain work? Well, imagine this: a bee lands on your foot. Neurons in your skin send this information to your brain at a speed of more than 240 kilometers per hour. Your brain then uses other neurons to send the message back to your foot to shake the bee off quickly. These neurons can send this information at more than 320 kilometers per hour. No computer has your brain's unbelievable ability to deal with the amount of information coming from your eyes, ears and other sensory organs.

But how does your brain allow you to learn things that you will use in the future? The structure (结构) of your brain changes every time you have a new thought, remember or learn something. For example, riding a bike seems impossible at first, but soon you are able to do it. How? As you practice, your brain sends \and again Soon, the actions are learnt and you are able to ride a bike easily from then on. 61. From the passage we know that neurons___________. A. receive messages very slowly C. send messages to your brain

B. are only found in your skin D. need electricity to work

B. From a newspaper.

D. From the young man himself.

62. In Paragraph 3, the writer mentions computers to ___________ . A. compare them with the human brain B. show how fast they have become

C. say that computers have no abilities

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D. ask people to use computers more

63. When you have a new thought, ___________ . A. your brain will power a light bulb C. you remember something 64. Which of the statements about the brain is TRUE?

A. The speed of the neurons in the brain can be up to 320 kilometers per minute. B. The electricity produced by the neurons can hardly power a light bulb. C. We learn a new skill by sending the messages again and again through the brain. D. After receiving the information, the brain send the same neurons back to your foot. 65. The article is mainly about ___________. A. all the steps when your brain learns things B. what an unbelievable organ the human brain is C. how the brain makes people smarter than computers D. the things you can do to make your brain work faster

第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯, 意


Learn to Refuse

Believe it or not, I’ve always been a people pleaser. I often put others before myself because I want to make my friends happy. _______66_______.

“Can you help me with English practice?” Grace asked me on the first day after she became my desk mate. “Of course.” I replied without hesitation (犹豫). Grace has been working really hard on her studies and needed my help – although I didn’t have much time left for her.

One day after school, while I was doing a huge amount of homework. Grace’s phone call came. She complained a lot and it made me feel bored, but I still felt bad about saying no. When Grace ended the call, the clock said it was 00:15 a.m. _______67_______. This was bad for a Junior 3 student who is going to take an important exam this June. Finally I burst into tears. I felt so tired and realized that the stress had an effect on my health. I tried to get myself out. _______68_______, so Grace has to come the second. It’s now important for me to say no,no,no.

“Can you do me a favor?” Grace asked. “Sorry….I just have to review my biology notes,” I answered. “All right, it’s up to you,” she said. _______69_______. Anyway, it’s not so hard to say no at all.

To be honest, I have felt much happier since learning to refuse. I have more time to spend on my study at present. _______70_______, but sometimes I say no because I know everyone has a limit.

V. 情景交际 下列各题。(每*


A. But I still had homework left and I wanted to sleep. B. If anyone asks me for help, I always say, “Yes!” C. I felt completely relaxed when I heard her reply. D. Studying is more important than other things. E. I still try my best to help others. 小题2分,共10分) 道对方最喜欢的学根据情景提示,完成

B. your heart beats faster

D. the structure of your brain changes


71. _________________________________________________________________________________________?

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* 你想去医院看病,但是不知道路怎么走,你会如何询问警察:

72. Excuse me, _______________________________________________________________________________? *


73. _________________________________________________________________________________________? *


74. _________________________________________________________________________________________? *


75. _________________________________________________________________________________________? VI. 看图写话 根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。

(每小题2分,满分10 分)

76. father, twice 77. never 78. necessary, library

79. use, photo 80. sad, when VII. 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分)


Have you ever picked strawberries yourself? The sweet fruit looks nice, but light pressure can make them out of shape, so you have to be very ______81______ when picking them. Nowadays, there are many young people who are just like strawberries. They ______82______ (easy) break down when they face difficulties. There is a name for them--- strawberry kids.

______83______ are many children so easy to break down? Because many students are the only child in their daily life. Their ______84______ [?pe?r?nts] do almost everything for them in their life. They ______85______ ever get criticized(批评) at home and always feel good about themselves. If these students are criticized strictly by teachers, they will feel upset and begin to doubt their own ______86______ (ability). Many schools care more about students' grade instead of ______87______ (develop) their personality. As a result, students get satisfying grades while they are not mentally strong enough.

Young people should learn how to make ______88______ [e?m?selvz] mentally strong. An expert said, whenever you are in trouble, don't ask for help too quickly. You should try to deal with problem ______89______ (one) by yourself.

Growing up is not just a happy process. ______90______ [pe?nz] also go along. The most important thing is to face them bravely and learn from mistakes. VIII. 书面表达 (15分)

共享单车(shared bikes)在厦门投入使用以来,给人们带来了诸多便利,受到人们的追捧,改变了人们的

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出行方式,但同时也遇到了一些挑战,它是国民素质的“照妖镜”,请你根据表格中信息的提示,给《21世纪英文报》写一篇关于共享单车看法的稿件。 自从出现,饱受赞誉。 社会现状 诸多优势 1.随处可见,出行方便 2.有益健康,减少污染 3.费用不高,负担得起 1.未及时归还 2.占道挡路 我认为……(考生自拟,至少2点) 存在问题 你的观点 注意事项:1.短文须包括表格中所有提示内容,要求语句通顺,意思连贯。 2.表格中“你的观点”一栏用2―3句话展开合理想象。作适当发挥。 3.词数在90个左右,文章的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。

Public bicycles are becoming more and more popular in our daily life. _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________


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