


阶段滚动卷(四) (建议用时:30分钟)

Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. (2018·重庆模拟)The royal wedding of William, Britain’s prince, and Kate, ordinary girl, draws the worldwide attention. A. /; an

B. /; the

C. the; the

D. a; the

2. —Can I take your order now?

— . Could I have a few more minutes? A. Not quite C. No way

B. Go ahead D. No good

3. (2018·江西师大附中模拟)A healthy life is frequently thought to be with open countryside and homegrown food. A. tied

B. bound

C. involved D. associated

4. (2018·沈阳模拟)The death toll of the quake in New Zealand is 150, but officials say the figure won’t stand because they are still getting information in. A. exactly

B. appropriately D. approximately

C. definitely

5. (2018·泰州模拟)—How do you find your English teacher?

—Well, my English teacher is very learned and kind to us, we all like. A. whose

B. that

C. one

D. which

6. In early June, Xi-Obama summit was held in California, they both accepted that Chinese -US cooperation has delivered real benefit to the people of the two countries. A. that

B. to which

C. at which

D. when

7. It is required that the students mobile phones in their school, so seldom them using one. A. mustn’t use; will you see B. should not use; you will see C. not use; you will see D. not use; will you see

8. (2018·怀宁模拟)However difficult the plan is to carry out, I don’t believe they’re going to it. A. desert

B. abandon

C. undertake

D. retain

9. When Mary’s mother was chatting with her on the mobile phone, the battery dead suddenly. A. went

B. came D. changed

C. remained

10. in 1884, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was one of the first novels in the USA written in common, everyday language. A. Being published C. Published

B. Having published

D. To be published

11. (2018·西安模拟) I went to Zhangjiajie, I was deeply impressed with its beautiful scenery. A. For the first time C. At first

B. It was the first time D. The first time

12. (2018·厦门模拟)Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s, but it cost his.

A. as much twice as C. much as twice as

B. twice as much as D. as twice much as

13. (2018·安化模拟) with her graduation paper, Mary has no time to do a part-time job. A. Being occupied B. Having occupied C. To be occupied

D. Having been occupying

14. He doesn’t spend any more money on clothing than I do, but he manages to look so stylish. A. therefore

B. somehow D. otherwise

C. furthermore

15. —Tom has got the first prize in the maths contest. — is no wonder that he looks so happy today. A. It C. This

B. As D. That

Ⅱ. 阅读理解


As the war in Syria continues, one-fifth of the country’s schools suffered direct physical damage, according to UNICEF. “In cities where the conflict has been most intense, some children have already missed out on almost two years of schooling, ”the organization says.

Markada, a city of about 70, 000 people in eastern Syria, has

for have

nine months been under the control of the Syrian opposition fighting the Syrian government. The current school year began a month and a half late, but it is now in session(在上课), a remarkable achievement in a country where it is common to see school buildings used as military bases or shelters. Other schools are simply empty, as parents fear sending their children to school or residents and staff

have fled.

Yet on a recent sunny morning at Taha Hussein High School in Markada, the scene seemed almost normal as a teacher scolded students arriving late to class. There were small details that complicated the situation, though — for instance, a bell had to be rung manually(手动地)to mark the passing time because there was no electricity.

And the school’s being open doesn’t mean that violence hasn’t touched it.

“Sometimes people come with guns to see students, ”principal Firas Mahjoub said, “We are powerless to stop them. ”

Other problems plague upset the students. Hasaka province, where Markada is located, is troubled by shortages of basic services, for example.

“Many days I walk 10 kilometers to school, ”said Saad Hamid Saleh, an 11th-grader whose family was forced from their home in a nearby village by military shelling(炮轰). “The bus is too expensive. ”

Many of the students are refugees from other parts of Syria, forced from their homes by the fighting. That has made the school overcrowded.

“Our school was shelled twice, ”said Sarah Shibli, another 11th-grader whose family fled the city of Deirel-Zour, south of Markada, six months ago. “We also had bad experiences with the intelligence services. They came to school looking for people they suspected of fighting the government. ”

“We have left our village, ”said Wael Herma, who said he hopes to pursue an engineering degree after graduation to“help rebuild the country”.

But the shelling that forced his family to flee their village and led to his school being closed down has also taken its toll.

“I have no desire to study anymore, ”he said.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about the current education conditions in Markada, Syria? A. Few schools are left that can be used as military bases or shelters. B. Sometimes the school year has to be postponed due to the war.

C. Because of safety concerns, few parents are willing to send their kids to school. D. Most of the city’s schools have suffered direct physical damage.

2. What are the problems students facing at Taha Hussein High School in Markada? a. expensive transport b. overcrowded classes c. a shortage of teachers

d. a lack of food and drinking water e. threats of violence A. abc

B. bcd

C. abe

D. cde

3. What is the article mainly about? A. Refugees’ lives in Syria. B. The long-lasting war in Syria.

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