
Lesson 89 Australia

Failure 失败 Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母 Value 价值 3:48

“Australia is a unique country. It`s the world`s largest island, but it`s also the world`s smallest continent. In fact, Australia is the only country that is also a continent. It`s about the size of the United States,but it has a population of only 16.5 million. If it sounds like an interesting place to visit, that`s because it is.” 5:07 Unique 独特的

Her way of dealing with the problem is unique. 她处理这个问题的方式很独特 在the only后关系代词只能用that (取代who、whom、which) He is the only one that knows the answer. (who) 9:25 He is the only person that I respect. (whom) It is the size of ……=As large as 一样大

第一个as 副词 一样的 large 大 第二个as 连接词 和…

His head is the size of a watermelon. His head is as large as a watermelon. 13:02 This table is the size of that one. About 大约

His head is about the size of a watermelon. His head is about as large as a watermelon. 14:20

The city has a population of 2 million.

How large is the population of the city? What`s the population of the city? How much is this book? 这本书多少钱? 17:15 If it sounds like …… 听起来像…… 知觉(感官)动词有5个: Smell 闻起来 Taste 尝起来 Feel 感觉起来 Sound 听起来Look 看起来. 后接形容词作主语补足语 20:58

It smells good. It tastes bitter. It feels silky. It sounds great. She looks beautiful. 知觉(感官)动词+like 后接名词

It looks like a rat. It sounds like a good idea. 22:47

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