Unit 1 The First Day
Emi: Oh, no… it’s ten o’clock! I’m late. Emi: Is this English with Prof. Brown? Prof. Brown: Yes. This is it. Emi: I’m nervous.
Prof. Brown: Don’t be nervous. This class is easy. Emi: Really? It’s easy? Prof. Brown: Yes. And the instructor is really nice.
Emi: He is? Wait … Are you a student? Prof. Brown: No, I’m not. I’m the instructor
Emi: You’re Professor Brown?! I’m so embarrassed. Prof. Brown: Don’t be. Welcome to the class. Jin: Emi: Jin: Emi: Jin: Emi: Jin: Emi: Jin:
Hi. Hi.
I’m a student too. My name’s Jin. Hi. I’m Emi … Emi Okada. Oh, you’re Japanese!
That’s right. And you’re …?
I’m Korean. This is my first class here. I’m a little nervous, too. Well, it’s nice to meet you. Your name’s Jean? Jin. Jin Koh.
Prof. Brown: OK, everyone. Good morning. I’m Eric Brown. Let’s get started.
Unit 2 A Great Place
Yes…OK. Mm-hmmm. OK. Goodbye. Bye-bye.
Chris: Good morning.
Kate: Good morning. Can I help you? Chris: Yes, I need a hotel reservation. Kate: OK. What city?
Chris: New York. Manhattan. Kate: OK. When?
Chris: Next week. Three nights. The 7th, 8th, and 9th.
Kate: OK. Let’s see. How about the Wellington? Excellent location, it has large rooms, nice views. It’s a little expensive, but very nice.
Chris: Um… I don’t think so…
Kate: Here’s one. The Northgate. It’s very convenient, and it’s not expensive. It’s a great place. Chris: OK. Sounds good.
Kate: And it’s available for the nights of the 7th through the 9th.
Chris: Good. Can you reserve it for me?
Kate: S