




A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 例:have A.gave B.save C.hat D.made 答案是C。

1.manner A.castle B.gather C.watch


2.fetch A.empty B.east C.receive


3.ground A.cow B.cough C.sport


4.collect A.citizen B.cinema C.church


5.damage A.figure B.finger C.geography D.magazine B)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 例:We ____last night, but we went to the concert instead. A.must have studied B.might study C.should have studied D.would study 答案是C。

6.____is the name given to everything that has weight and occupies


A.A matter B.The matter C.Matter D.Matters

7.----Where is my dictionary? ----____. A.Here it is B.Here is it C.There it comes D.There comes it

8. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a____. A.job B.work C.profession D.living

9.Two of the young men were sent out to town to____ about the situation


A.see around B. find out C. talk of D.search for

10.I must leave, too. I ____having tea with you, Bill.

A.was enjoying B.am enjoying C.enjoyed D.enjoy

11. Ms Green lives in a ____house. A.big, stone, green B.big, green, stone C.stone, green, big D. green, big, stone

12.----I'd like to buy an expensive camera. ----Well, we have several models ____. A.to choose from B.to choose C.to pick up D.to pick

13.----Did you say something rude to him because of his wrongs? ----Yes, but I ____so. A.rather not do B.shouldn't do C.better not do D.shouldn't have done

14.The street in a small town is as crowded on market days as ____in

a large city.

A.them B.that C.they D.it

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