牛津译林版7a unit1-unit2知识点学案

牛津译林版7a unit1-unit2知识点学案

7A Unit 1 -2重点短语与句型 1.如何照顾你的电子狗 how to look after your e-dog 疑问词+to do sth.

eg: I don’t know what to do next. “我不知道下一步该做什么.”

He knows where to go. “他知道要去哪里.” look after=take care of

my mother looks after me well

= my mother takes good care of me. 2.这只狗的主人

the dog’s master = the master of the dog 3.喜欢电子狗 love an e-dog/ e-dogs 4.阅读这本书/看报纸

read this book / read newspapers watch TV/films/the show look at the blackboard

5. 开学的第一天

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牛津译林版7a unit1-unit2知识点学案

the first day at school


get to know some of the new students 7.和新朋友见面 meet new friends 8.早上/下午/晚上/ 好 Good morning/ afternoon/ evening

晚安 Good night

9.见到你很开心 nice/glad to meet you 10. 欢迎(某人)到某地welcome (sb.) to 欢迎来这里/那里/回家 welcome here/there/home

不用谢 --thank you. --You are welcome . 11. 在7年级一班 in Class 1, Grade 7 12. 阳光中学的一名新学生 a new student at Sunshine Middle School 13. 留着短发 have short hair 14. 在读书俱乐部 in the Reading Club She is in the Reading Club.= she is a member of the Reading Club.

参加读书俱乐部 go to the Reading Club

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牛津译林版7a unit1-unit2知识点学案

15. 男孩那个又高又瘦 The boy is tall and slim. What’s the boy like?

=what does the boy look like? 16. 有礼貌而且乐于助人

polite and helpful

17. 酷爱阅读/运动 love reading/ sports 18. 放学后踢足球/弹钢琴

play football/ the piano after school 19. 来自 come/be from

eg: We all come from Beijing. = We are all from Beijing.

The little boy comes from the USA. = The little boy is from the USA. 20. 黑色长/短发 long/short black hair 21. 很喜欢听音乐

like listening to music (very much) 22. 戴(一副)眼镜 wear (a pair of) glasses 23. 擅长于…

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