
1. The book is in the bag.( )

2. The cat is behind the door. ( )

3. Danny is on the bed. ( )

4. The books are on the desk. ( )

5. Jenny is under the desk. ( )

学校 班级 姓名 成绩

(第六大题至第九大题为笔试题,请同学们仔细读题、认真答题,) 六、Read and circle (读一读找出不同类的词)(6分) 1. ( ) A. egg B. bread C. book 2. ( ) A. sweater B. lunch C. coat 3. ( ) A .lion B. milk C. monkey 4. ( ) A. door B. dinning room C. bedroom 5. ( ) A. library B. art room C. time

6. ( ) A. time B. get up C. go to bed 七、Choose the right answer(单项选择)(10分) 1. ( ) ---Do you like milk? ---Yes, I ____ .

A. do B. have C. don’t 2 . ( ) --- Would you like a hamburger? --- __________.

A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, please! 3. ( ) --- Is this your cap , Liming? --- __________.

A. No, It isn’t. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it isn’t. 4. ( ) ---_______ jacket is this? --- It’s Peter’s.

A. Who B. What C. Whose 5.( )--- What are these? --- They’re _______.

A. tiger B. elephant C. pandas 6. ( ) ---Where’s Jenny?

--- She’s ______ the bathroom. A. under B. on C. in

7. ( ) The cap is ________ . A. Danny B. Danny’s C. Liming

8. ( ) The music room is on the _____ floor. A. one B. two C. first 9. ( ) We sing in the ______. A. music room B. art room C. library 10.( ) ---What time is it?

---________. It’s 9 o’clock. B. I’m fine. C. Yes, please! 八、Choose the correct name and match(选择单词,连线)(4分)

study living room dinning room bedroom 九、Read and match(读一读,连一连)(10分)

1. We read in the library.

2. We sing in the music room.

3. We draw in the art room.

4. We do experiments(实验) in the lab.

5. We have classes(上课) in the classroom.

十、Write the letters.(写出相应的大小写)(10分)


P g v x y



Part 1. Listen and Match (听单词并连线)(20分)

1. jacket 2. sweater 3. coat 4. trousers 5. cap 6.orange juice 7.fish 8.vegetables 9.rice 10. Chicken

Part 2. Listen and Circle (听录音圈出听到的单词或词组)(10分) 1. elephant 2.fourteen 3. art room 4. bedroom 1. go to school 6.sing 7. monkey 8. school 9. under 10.lunch

Part 3 Listen and Order(听录音编序号)(10分)

No.1. ---What are these? No.2. ---What are these? --- They’re monkeys. --- They’re pandas. No.3 ---What are those? No.4. ---What are these? --- They’re rabbits. --- They’re elephants. No.5. ---What are those? --- They’re lions.

Part5.Listen and Draw (听录音画出正确的时间)(10分) No.1 Danny: I get up at 7. No.2 Danny: I go to shool at 8. No.3 Danny: I go home at 4: 30. No.4 Danny: I watch TV at 6:20. No.5 Danny: I go to bed at 9.

Part6. Listen and draw √or×(听录音判断对错)(10分) No.1. The book is in the bag.( √ )

No.2. The cat is behind the door. ( × ) No.3. Danny is on the bed. (√ ) No.4. The books are on the desk. ( √ ) No.5. Jenny is under the desk. ( × )


Part7. Read and circle (读一读找出不同类的词)(6分) 1-6. C B B A C A

Part8. Choose the right answer(单项选择)(10) 1-10 A C A C C C

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