

? having done A) having done和having been done都不是动名词结构,因此不能充当名词成分! 在SC中,如果这两个结构做主语、宾语。必错! B) having done和having been done做后置定语,必错! having done做后置定语,一般都要改成相应的定语从句

having been done做后置定语,一般都要改成相应的done做过去分词,或者改成定语从句

C) having done和having been done用于“with独立主格”中必错! 指with+ sb./sth+ having done/having been done这种情况 D) When/After having done 必错!

“主语,having done, 谓语” (correct)-----非限制性定语


---全部:1. 介词开头;2. 形容词开头; 3. 分词开头(doing/done) ---部分:1. No sooner…than…, Hardly…when…和Not until……..; 2. Only when…; 3. If 虚拟;

4. So/Such….that….;

5. 时间频率的词开头(often, many a time); 6. “形容词/名词/动词+as (though)”引导的让步状语从句;

7. 否定副词开头(never, not…, seldom, hardly, neither, nor, scarcely, rarely, no longer, barely, little)

One of…./the only one of….:

Horatio is one of those people who are late for everything. Horatio is the only one of those people who is late for everything.

? confidence 后面加that 同位语从句 ? n + more + adj (correct)

? more than times as many/much + n. as…. (correct) times as +adj + as…. (correct) times adj-er +than….(correct) times + the + n (correct) ?

? 分词的使用:

(1) 当done在句末时,不管有无逗号,都是就近修饰名词; (2) 当doing在句末时,无逗号是就近修饰的名词的定语;

(3) 当doing在句尾且前有逗号时, 修饰邻近句子的主语, 做主语的伴随状语或做句子的伴随结果. 因此不能用句尾现在分词修饰前面句尾的名词 (4) 当doing/done在句中且前无逗号, 修饰前面紧邻名词; (5) 当doing/done在句中且前后都有逗号, 有歧义: 这种结构在GMAT必错! (夹心修饰) --------修饰前面紧邻的名词

--------向后修饰后面句子的主语 ? ? ? ? ? ?

in the year 现在完成时, early in the year 过去完成时 What C is to D, that A is to B = A is to B what C is to D rather是副词 , 后面不能加不定式: rather to do (X)

make /feel/believe/find it + adj to do/ that从句 (it只能指代to do/that..) 虚拟语气:that 一定不能省,should一定不要加

当sth.作主语时注意 sth takes sb some time to do 后面不加宾语: Rivaling the pyramids of Egypt or even the ancient cities of the Maya as an

achievement, the army of terra-cotta warriors created to protect Qin Shi


? ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


? ?

Huang, China’s first emperor, in his afterlife is more than 2,000 years old and took 700,000 artisans more than 36 years to complete.

【句尾同位语】和【…,V-ing】或【with独立主格】结构不可随意互换,同位语是句尾名词的定语,后二者是主句的伴随状语,意味着与主句同时发生的另一件事 such that (X) being + adj. (X) at a time when ? in an era when ? a period when ? an age in which ? the year that ?

A phenomenon in which ?

a means to do = method for/of doing appear as = show up as 揭露,露出 appear to do/appear to have been 看起来像

总结:有三种结构在句首时,需要考虑逻辑主语是否合适: 【V-ing, SVO】 【介词+ V-ing, SVO】 【To do, SVO】 【-ed, SVO】 a group of pl.(n) + 单数谓语

pronounce A B, declare A B, consider A B

只有出现 no/not才是否定句,(nor/neither/never)都不是 Eg:I’ve never been to USA and Australia. Its numbers are now five times greater than….(numbers不用more, fewer, less修饰)

逗号不能连接完整的主谓结构,要用分号; 句1;句2; and 句 3 Be descended from…… assist… doing

By+ doing(by imitating and practicing)和by+noun(by imitation and

practice)的区别还是在于doing和noun之间: doing为动名词形式描述的是动作的发生,noun则是对动作的单纯描述

Very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo transatlantic flight was the reason that Charles Lindbergh refused to carry even a pound of mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so. ? date at… 追溯到多少年 (old)

Just as 句子, so 句子 Just as you sow, so you will reap 主从句要尽量形式对称

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