Protel 99各元器件名字中英文对照表

responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and analysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material priceFreight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;Protel 99各元器件名字中英文对照表以及各种库的对照 电阻 AXIAL

无极性电容 RAD 电解电容 RB- 电位器 VR 二极管 DIODE 三极管 TO

电源稳压块78和79系列 TO-126H和TO-126V 场效应管 和三极管一样 整流桥 D-44 D-37 D-46 单排多针插座 CON SIP 双列直插元件 DIP 晶振 XTAL1

电阻:RES1,RES2,RES3,RES4;封装属性为axial系列 无极性电容:cap;封装属性为RAD-0.1到rad-0.4 电解电容:electroi;封装属性为rb.2/.4到rb.5/1.0 电位器:pot1,pot2;封装属性为vr-1到vr-5

二极管:封装属性为diode-0.4(小功率)diode-0.7(大功率) 三极管:常见的封装属性为to-18(普通三极管)to-22(大功率三极管)to-3(大功率达林顿管) 电源稳压块有78和79系列;78系列如7805,7812,7820等

79系列有7905,7912,7920等 常见的封装属性有to126h和to126v 整流桥:BRIDGE1,BRIDGE2: 封装属性为D系列(D-44,D-37,D-46) 电阻: AXIAL0.3-AXIAL0.7 其中0.4-0.7指电阻的长度,一般用AXIAL0.4

瓷片电容:RAD0.1-RAD0.3。 其中0.1-0.3指电容大小,一般用RAD0.1

电解电容:RB.1/.2-RB.4/.8 其中.1/.2-.4/.8指电容大小。一般<100uF用B.1/.2,100uF-470uF用RB.2/.4,>470uF用RB.3/.6

二极管: DIODE0.4-DIODE0.7 其中0.4-0.7指二极管长短,一般用DIODE0.4 发光二极管:RB.1/.2

集成块: DIP8-DIP40, 其中8-40指有多少脚,8脚的就是DIP8


0603表示的是封装尺寸 与具体阻值没有关系 但封装尺寸与功率有关 通常来说 0201 1/20W 0402 1/16W 0603 1/10W 0805 1/8W 1206 1/4W

电容电阻外形尺寸与封装的对应关系是: 0402=1.0x0.5 0603=1.6x0.8 0805=2.0x1.2

responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and analysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material priceFreight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;1206=3.2x1.6 1210=3.2x2.5 1812=4.5x3.2 2225=5.6x6.5

关于零件封装我们在前面说过,除了DEVICE。LIB库中的元件外,其它库的元件都已经有了固定的元件封装,这是因为这个库中的元件都有多种形式:以晶 体管为例说明一下:晶体管是我们常用的的元件之一,在DEVICE。LIB库中,简简单单的只有NPN与PNP之分,但实际上,如果它是NPN的 2N3055那它有可能是铁壳子的TO—3,如果它是NPN的2N3054,则有可能是铁壳的TO-66或TO-5,而学用的CS9013,有TO- 92A,TO-92B,还有TO-5,TO-46,TO-52等等,千变万化。


还是470KΩ都一样,对电路板而言,它与欧姆数根本不相关,完全是按该电阻的功率数来决定的我们选用的1/4W和甚至1/2W的电阻,都可以用AXIAL0.3元件封装,而功率数大一点的话,可用AXIAL0.4,AXIAL0.5等等。现将常用的元件封装整理如下: 电阻类及无极性双端元件 AXIAL0.3-AXIAL1.0 无极性电容 RAD0.1-RAD0.4 有极性电容 RB.2/.4-RB.5/1.0 二极管 DIODE0.4及 DIODE0.7 石英晶体振荡器 XTAL1

晶体管、FET、UJT TO-xxx(TO-3,TO-5) 可变电阻(POT1、POT2) VR1-VR5

当然,我们也可以打开C:\\Client98\\PCB98\\library\\advpcb.lib库来查找所用零件的对应封装。 这些常用的元件封装,大家最好能把它背下来,这些元件封装,大家可以把它拆分成两部分来记如电阻AXIAL0.3可拆成AXIAL和0.3,AXIAL翻 译成中文就是轴状的,0.3则是该电阻在印刷电路板上的焊盘间的距离也就是300mil(因为在电机领域里,是以英制单位为主的。同样的,对于无极性的电 容,RAD0.1-RAD0.4也是一样;对有极性的电容如电解电容,其封装为RB.2/.4,RB.3/.6等,其中“.2”为焊盘间距,“.4”为电 容圆筒的外径。 对于晶体管,那就直接看它的外形及功率,大功率的晶体管,就用TO—3,中功率的晶体管,如果是扁平的,就用TO-220,如果是金属壳的,就用TO-66,小功率的晶体管,就用TO-5,TO-46,TO-92A等都可以,反正它的管脚也长,弯一下也可以。


值得我们注意的是晶体管与可变电阻,它们的包装才是最令人头痛的,同样的包装,其管脚可不一定一样。例如,对于TO-92B之类的包装,通常是1脚为 E(发射极),而2脚有可能是B极(基极),也可能是C(集电极);同样的,3脚有可能是C,也有可能是B,具体是那个,只有拿到了元件才能确定。因此, 电路软件不敢硬性定义焊盘名称(管脚名称),同样的,场效应管,MOS管也可以用跟晶体管一样的封装,它可以通用于三个引脚的元件。 Q1-B,在PCB里,加载这种网络表的时候,就会找不到节点(对不上)。

在可变电阻上也会出现类似的问题;在原理图中,可变电阻的管脚分别为1、W、及2,所产生的网络表,就是1、2和W,在PCB电路板中,焊盘就是 1,2,3。当电路中有这两种

responsible for the development of company management, including the development of settlement and settlement standards of preparation, the business unit clearing work inspection and guidance, business settlement audit; 23, is in charge of the company business and costs calculation and analysis of new projects and to develop standards and provide the basis for decision-making and responsible for the comprehensive economic and technical indicators and statistics, analysis, summary and reporting; 24, the company responsible for audits of various types of business contracts, the principal of contract price (purchase price, freight, taxes, etc), payment method, payment, settlement, such as the reasonableness of the data, authenticity, accuracy; 25, strict enforcement of national tax policy, is responsible for the monthly reporting, including tax calculations, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, receive invoices; 26, the company responsible for all kinds of price (including product price, material priceFreight, engineering machinery jobs price, price, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, price exception report; 27, is responsible for the company's management, including conference organized by price, of historical prices, totals, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo decomposition, control, analysis and evaluation; responsible for costing and cost control, ensure accounting number is reasonable, correct, and complete accounting report and the company's other reports compiled and reported to work;元 件时,就要修改PCB与SCH之间的差异最快的方法是在产生网络表后,直接在网络表中,将晶 体管管脚改为1,2,3;将可变电阻的改成与电路板元件外形一样的1,2,3即可。

元器件中英文对照 1.电阻


半导体电阻:RESSEMT 电位计;POT 变电阻;RVAR 可调电阻;res1.....


定值无极性电容;CAP 定值有极性电容;CAP 半导体电容:CAPSEMI 可调电容:CAPVAR


4.二极管:DIODE.LIB 发光二极管:LED

5.三极管 :NPN1




9.继电器:PELAY. LIB




原理图常用库文件: Miscellaneous Devices.ddb Dallas Microprocessor.ddb

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