


一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. The drunken driver should __________ the traffic accident. A. be responsible on B. be responsible to C. be for responsible D. be responsible for 答案 :D

2. I have spent all my pocket money on _________ books this year. A. worthwhile

电大英语1考试答案 B. worth C. worthy D. worthless 答案:A

3. Soldiers are ________ for any news from home. A. friendly B. superior C. eager D. patient 答案:C

4. The foreigner _________ the moon cake and found it very delicious. A. afforded B. laid C. sampled D. offered 答案:C

5. I want to complain of the poor _______ of your service. A. assembly B. observation C. experience D. quality 答案:D

6. Sandy will ____ at the train station on saturday. A. see him off B. see off him C. see him of D. see him away 答案:

7. The ambassador’s posting has come _________; it’s Washington. A. out B. up

C. through D. off 答案:

8. Pan Hong is known as a _________ actress. A. comic B. operatic C. tragic D. dancing 答案:

9. The Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Association insists ____. A. I will be the secretary-general B. me to be the secretary-general C. I be the secretary-general D. me be the secretary-general 答案:

10. His planeis due at 10. Listen,____ plane is in at____airport. A. a,a B. the,the C. the, an D. a,an 答案:

11. His first ______ at his father’s footsteps is to hide the novel he is reading. A. reflection B. relation C. action D. reaction 答案:

12. As the rain was getting heavier, the tourists were forced to ____ for the hotel where they were staying. A. find out B. come through C. set off D. go over 答案:

13. Computer users needn’t understand the _________ process taking place behind A. confused B. complicated C. chemical D. physical 答案:

14. I selected the most difficult job for myself because I find that the more a job challenges me, ____.

A. the more better I like it B. I like it the more better

C. the best I like

D. the better I like it 答案:

15. Please ________ your food slowly before swallowing it. A. sob B. extend C. stoop D. chew 答案:

16. Miss Gao, please show our American visitors ___ our campus. B. to C. of D. around 答案:D

17. Anyone who breaks the speed ________ and is caught by the policemen will receive a ticket. A. unlimited B. imitation C. limit D. limited 答案:C

18. Is this ____apple tree? No, ____tree is____orange tree. A. an,a, the B. a, the, an C. an, the, an D. the, the, an 答案:C

19. Constant _________ exercises lead to a long life. A. physically B. physical C. exactly D. recently 答案:B

20. He has been so busy recently that he can visit me only __________. A. usually B. sometimes C. occasionally D. frequently 答案:C

21. The government introduced new regulations ____inflation(通货膨胀)might be brought under control. B. because C. so that D. as for

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