

1. I had been looking for the book for two days __before__ I found it at last. 2. You can’t watch TV __until__ you’ve finished your homework.

3. We have never seen her again __since___ she went to work in another city. 4. ___Since______ the fight stopped, travel across the country has been quite safe. 5. They were just about to leave ____when_______ the telephone rang.

6. I shall start the work ____after________ he comes. I don’t know what to do first. 7. The old man prefers to live ______where_______ the climate is mild.

8. _____Because/Since/As________ it is a holiday today, the children needn’t go to school

9. _____While______ we were visiting China, we saw many interesting things. 10. I got up early this morning _____lest_______ I would miss the train which I was supposed to take.

11. I have a tight budget for the trip, so I’m not going to fly ___unless_______ the airlines lower ticket prices.

12. The map is one of the best tools a man has ____when______ he goes to a new place.

13. Everything was placed exactly ____where______ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.

14. _____Though/Although________ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.

15. _____However________ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting

down the amount you eat. 二、语法填空

keys: 1. when/after; 2. until; 3. unless; 4. as; 5. because; 6. As; 7. before; 8. so; 9. where; 10. wherever

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