

1. Are rules important?

Yes, I think rules are very important. If we have rules, our life will be safe and we don’t need to waste our time, because rules can keep our life in order. If we don’t have rules, there will be troubles every day, such as the students will not go to school on time, the street will be full of garbage because people will think it doesn’t matter to litter, so we can see that rules are really very important to our life. 2. What rules do you know?

I know some rules, such as school rules, family rules, traffic rules or public rules. They are different, but they are all important.

3. Are there any school rules in your school?

Yes, there are many school rules in our school, such as Don’t run in the school building, Don’t speak loudly in school, Don’t use cell phone in the class and Don’t take food or money into the class. 4. What do you think of your school rules?

I think the school rules in our school are quite strict, such as we can’t take food or money to school. The fact is that sometimes, we are really hungry in school, especially in the afternoon. But I also know that our school rules are right, if we take money to school, we may leave school to buy some snacks, sometimes, it might be dangerous.

5. What if you break your school rules?

If we break the school rules, our teacher will deduct our marks, and sometimes, she will make us clean the classroom for a week. The worst punishment would be asking our parents to go to school. That’s really horrible.

6. What family rules do you have in your family?

There are some family rules in our family, such as I must clean my room in the morning every day, I should never play computer games for too long time, Children should never speak loudly to the elders, I must go back home on time. I think my family rules are important but good. 7. What if you break your family rules?

If I break my family rules, I must sweep the floor for a week. 8. Do you know anything about traffic rules?

Yes, I know something about traffic rules. It is very important in our life, and if we don’t obey it, we

might have some dangers. There are many traffic rules like wait for the lights, fasten the seat belt when you are in the car. We should never break the speed limit, we should never park the car in the wrong place, and children under the age of 12 should not ride bikes on the street, and so on. 9. What if you break the traffic rules?

If we break the traffic rules, we will get some punishment, such as if people park their car in the wrong place, the police man will give them a ticket, and they need to pay money for that. And sometimes, they break the traffic rules seriously, and then the police will take their driving license away. Now, driving after drinking is illegal, if people do that, they could be sent to prison, that’s very terrible.


1. Is health very important? Why?

Yes, I think health is very important to us, because when people are ill, sometimes they need to go to the hospital to see the doctor, it might be very troublesome. And sometimes, they must stay in the hospital, they can’t play with their friends, they can’t work or study, they even can’t move, just stay in the bed, that’s really very horrible. But, if we have good health, then whatever we want to do, we could work very hard to get it, this could make our life very happy. Therefore, health is really very critical to anybody.

2. How do you keep your health?

Well, to keep my health, I air my room every day, and I walk when I am free. I drink a cup of milk and eat some fruit every day, I think they can provide me with enough nutritious I need. Meanwhile, I don’t eat any junk food unless there is no other choice. In one word, I think sports, good eating habits and life habits are very important for our health. 3. How do people usually keep their health?

To keep their health, different people do different things. Such as some of them do sports regularly. Such as jogging in the morning, play badminton and so on. Others quit any bad habits which could do harm to their life, such as smoking, drinking or staying up too late, this is very helpful. And some people pay much more attention on the food they eat. They never eat fried fast food, when they buy food; they often choose the green food, such as vegetables and fruit. 4. What do you think of smoking in the public places?

I think smoking in the public place is a very bad habit. Because the smoke may pollute the air in the public places, it’s very harmful to people’s health, especially their lungs. And sometimes, if the smokers just dump the cigarette ends anywhere, there might even be fire, it’s very dangerous. So I think we must never smoke in the public place.

5. Do you think mental health is very important? Why?

Yes, I think mental health is very important, if we don’t have mental health, we will be sad and unhappy every day, that might be very bad for our health. And when we don’t have good mental health, we could not study well, we could not work well, we can’t even make any friends, that are very bad for our life.

6. How do you keep your mental health?

Well, I know the importance of mental health, so I do many things to keep it. such as when I am unhappy, I draw things, or I have a sleep. Sometimes, I talk with my good friends, it can make me feel better.

7. How do we keep our health when we travel?

In my opinion, when we travel, there are many things we should pay attention to so as to protect our health. Such as we should never eat the local snacks on the street, sometimes it might be dirty. And we should not drink the raw water from the tap, we should take enough clothes with us in accordance with the local whether, so that we will not catch cold. 8. Are there any bad habits we need to quit?

Yes, to keep our health, there are some bad habits we need to quit, such as smoking, drinking, playing computer games for too long time and so on. They are very bad for our health, if we don’t quit them, no matter what we do, our health can’t be good.

9. If your parents or teacher lay pressure on you, what will you do?

If people lay pressure on me, I will feel upset sometimes, when I feel not very good, I will read some picture books or comic books, sometimes, I draw pictures; this could help me to feel better.

English learning

1. Do you like English? Why?

Yes, I like English because I like English music very much, such as Lady GaGa’s songs and I like

English movies too, I often what some English thrillers, they are very scary buy very interesting. And if I can learn English well, then I can enjoy English music and movies very well, it will be very nice. 2. How can we learn English?

To learn English well, we can get some interesting material to make the lessons easier, and we can listen to the English songs, read English stories or talk with foreign friends, all these ways can help us to learn English well.

3. What are the difficulties you have when you learn English?

When I learn English, I have some difficulties, such as I find it’s difficult to learn the new words, we learn them, then we forget them, it’s very troublesome. But now I find that the best way to learn them is to use them. This method can help us to remember the new words very well. And sometimes, the grammars are difficult to understand and use well, our teachers always ask us to do more exercise, I think that would be helpful.

4. Why do so many people study English?

Nowadays, more and more people are learning English, I think it’s because people think English is more useful now. Some of them want to go abroad to study, some want to work abroad, the others want to do business with foreigners. Generally speaking, to have good communication with foreigners, English is the first step, so many people start the classes now. 5. Why English is so important?

English is important because it’s the global language, and in different countries, people use it as working language. And if we can learn it well, our life will be very convenient, such as when we travel abroad, we don’t need any translator. And if we live abroad and want to read some of the important books or newspapers, we don’t need any translation, we can read the originals. Good English can be useful both to our study and work.

6. Oral English and written English, which do you like better?

I like them both, because I think they are both very important. If we study oral English well, then we can talk with foreigners freely, that might be very convenient. And if we learn written English well, when we take exams, we can get good scores, and we can read or write very well, it means a lot to our life in the future.

7. What do your parents expect of your English study ?

My parents hope that I can study English very well, so that I can go abroad to study. And they hope that one day I can teach those English, I can travel with them in foreign countries. 8. Who is your favorite English teacher?

My favorite English teacher is Lucy, she teaches me English at school. Her class is always very interesting because of the games and stories. She always tells us that to learn English well, we must love it first. I think it’s right.

9. What do you think is the best age for children to start learning English?

In my opinion, the best age to start learning English would be 4 to 6 years old, because before that age, children might be too young to understand anything. They can’t learn English well. And after 6 years old, children will go to school, they may have much homework to do, so they won’t have enough time to learn English. So when children are 4 to 6 years old, they have enough time, they have good memories and they can understand many things, so I think it’s the best age for them to learn English.

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