Dying to be thin 公开课教案

Unit 3 Reading: Dying to be thin 公开课教案 李敬 Step 1 lead-in

1.show some pictures of fat people and ask students the following questions:

?Do you want to be a fat people? Why? ?What will you do if you are fat?

?Which ways will you choose to lose weight, Creating a healthy diet ,doing more sports, taking weight-loss pills/medicine or receiving surgical treatment(手术治疗)? Step 2 Reading 1.Fast reading

Answer the following questions according to the text ?. Where does Amy come from?

?. Which way did Amy choose to lose weight, exercise or taking pills?

?.What kind of pills did Amy take?

④.What's Amy's job?

⑤.Why did Amy want to lose weight? ⑥.What's the result?

T or F Exercises 2.Careful reading

?.Multiple choices on page 44 C1, page 45 D2

Step 3 Role-play Background

Amy is an actress in a new TV play. Because of the liver failure, she hasn’t appeared on TV for a long time. Many fans and reporters are worried about her health state. Now she has recovered from the illness. And she is being interviewed in the news conference(记者招待会). They will be asked some questions about Amy’s health . Task

Suppose that you are Amy .please express your feeling about losing weight.

Step 4 Discussion : What is true beauty?

Step 5 Homework : read e-mail 3. Answer the question: What's Zhou Ling's opinion?

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