

培优专项训练四 Lessons 10-12

I. 根据提示补全所缺单词

1. The man can not see anything. He is b______.

2. The girl is worried about his mother’s _______ (ill). 3. I don’t know _____ (somebody) in this new city. 4. Sometimes it’s hard to make a _______ (decide).

5. My cousin is studying in a famous ______ (医学的) school. 6. For ______ (谁) are you waiting here?

7. My parents are very happy with my _______ (进步). II. 单项选择

1. Mr. Wang didn’t go to work because of his ______. A. ill B. sick C. illness D. sad 2. Wang Hao went to work ____ the age of 24. A. at B. in C. for D. with

3. Our teacher speaks very slowly _____ every one of us can understand him. A. such that B. so that C. because D. in order to

4. It’s impolite ______ with old people loudly. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks

5. I met a friend of mine on the street, but I couldn’t ____ his name at that time.

C. think hard D. think about

6. People like to stay with those _____ are funny. A. which B. what C. who D. that 7. —What are you doing? —I’’t work.

A. mend B. mends C. to mend D. mended III. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 我们在一天天长大。

We grow up _____ ______ ______. 2. 李时珍因他的《本草纲目》而闻名。

Li Shizhen _______ ______ ______ ______ his Bencaogaomu. 3. 每个人都应该了解一下急救。

Everyone should know about _____ _____. 4. 今年李立在英语中取得了很大进步。

Li Li _____ _____ ______ in English this year. 5. 这句话是什么意思?

_____ _____ ______ ______ the sentence? 6. 我们学校那台古老的印刷机现在仍在使用。

The old printing press in our school still _____ _____ _____ now. IV.完形填空

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David Beckham was born in 1975 in London. When he was a young boy, his 1 talent was in football. He played it whenever he had the chance. Sometimes he would go and watch a game with his friends. When David Beckham was 12 years old, he 2 the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills award. It was an important step 3 this young boy, and it helped him 4 for a visit to a football training camp in Spain. As a boy he 5 schools of Essex and also for his country team. He could make the ball 6 from left to right, or right to left.

But March 14, 2010 was a very 7 day for David Beckham. The famous English football 8 badly hurt his left heel(脚后跟) in a game. He shouted in tears:“It’s broken(骨折了),it’s broken! ”

Beckham wanted to play for the England national football team in the 2010 World Cup. But the injury (伤势) broke his hope. The World Cup would start in three months. Doctors 9 that Beckham wouldn’t get well that fast.

But Beckham may still go to South Africa. He may go 10 an ambassador (大使) for England’s 2018 World Cup bid(申办活动).

1. A. best B. greatest C. worst D. important 2. A. won B. win C. brought D. beat 3. A. as B. to C. with D. for 4. A. going B. went C. did D. to go 5. A. played for B. played on C. played with D. played in

6. A. to go B. go C. going D. went 7. A. well B. good C. nice D. bad

8. A. teacher B. doctor C. player D. worker 9. A. spoke B. told C. talked D. said 10. A. as B. for C. like D. with Ⅴ. 阅读理解 Florence Nightingale was born in a rich family in England. When she was young, she took lessons in music and drawing, and read many great books. She also travelled a lot with her parents. As a child she felt that visiting sick people was both a duty and a pleasure. She enjoyed helping them. At last she decided that she was going to be a nurse. But her father said, “Nursing isn’t the right job for a lady. ”

“Then I will make it so. ” she smiled. And she went to learn nursing in Germany and France. When she returned to England, Florence started a nursing home for women.

In the Crimean War in 1854, she went with a group of thirty eight nurses to the front hospitals. What they saw there was terrible.

Florence used her own money and some from her friends to buy clothes, beds, medicines and food for the men. Her only pay was the smiles of the wounded (受伤的)soldiers. But they were more than enough for this kind woman.

Florence died at ninety. She tried to serve others through her work as a nurse all her life. Thanks to her contributions to medicine we realized nurses

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do an important and necessary job.

1. When she was a child, Florence ______. A. lived an unhappy life

B. was afraid to visit patients and disliked them C. loved to help the sick people

D. only stayed at home and never left her hometown 2. What makes Florence

A. Her strong wish to help the sick people. B. Her father’s wish.

C. Her knowledge from travelling.

D. Her education in Germany and France.

3. What does the underlined word “they” mean? A. The smiles. B. The soldiers. C. The nurses. D. B and C.

4. Florence Nightingale is a great person who helps ______. A. the workers B. the patients C. the children D. the women

5. Which describes the passage best? It is _____. A. the history of nursing in France B. an example of successful education C. a description of the nursing work D. the story of a well-known woman VI.书面表达

请以“Madam Curie(居里夫人)”为题写一篇100词左右的英语小短文。 内容提示:

1. Madam Curie是世界著名的女科学家。她1867年出生于波兰(Poland),1934年逝


2. 她从小酷爱读书并想成为一名科学家。16岁中学毕业,24岁赴法国巴黎就读于巴黎大


3. 她一生致力于科学研究,于1903年、1911年分别获得诺贝尔物理学奖和化学奖(Nobel

Prize for physics\\chemistry);

4. 一个女人能取得如此成就很不容易,她作为一名伟大的女性永远被人们所怀念。



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